| | Water Fasting

Water fasting in a Mexican Household.

Guys, the struggle is real. My mom makes delicious traditional meals and I have to keep turning then down. And don’t even get me started on Mexican grandmothers… if you think you’re grandma is extra because she tries to feed you and give you stuff every time you see her, you should see Mexican grandmothers. They will literally cry if you don’t accept their food (or try and force you to eat it, depend on what kind of grandma she is). It’s been really hard fasting for those two reasons… But I guess I’m grateful cause planning how to avoid these eating situations distracts me from boredom and thinking about eating.

Anyway, currently on day 9 of my water fast. I cheated four days ago and had I meal but I’m just gonna pretend like that didn’t happen :) My goal is 21 days. Almost half way there!

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Pretend like it didn’t happen😂 I’m dying for some guava pastries or some mangoes!! As long as I don’t make them or go pick them I’m good! I made some apple cinnamon bar cookies and brownies but luckily those don’t call to me!

I’m on day 2 and shooting for 40 though just trying to get to 7 first! Weekends are my Achilles heel! Is it still water fasting if I have a margarita? 😓😩


Yo de plano mejor digo que es que estoy comiendo sólo una vez al día y que o ya comí por hoy o que todavía no me toca. Pero te entiendo muy bien con lo de los olores de la cocina, opté por prender incienso en mi cuarto y tener la ventana muy abierta. Mucha suerte, yo voy empezando el día 2 de 5. Una pregunta, ¿Alguna vez te han dolido las coyunturas en el ayuno?


Good luck! I can only imagine your struggle. I would trade you for two weeks as my grandmother has been in heaven for 26 years. I would love to have a grandmother again. But all seriousness aside be frank with your family and tell them you need their support. Enjoy the time together-visiting and being family. Let your grandmother make you bone broth and teach her how fasting is improving your health. Read Dr Jason Fung’s book the complete guide to fasting and the obesity code so you can teach them what you are doing.

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