Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
If you're serious about fasting, feel free to message me. I am looking for a partner who seeks motivation and advice throughout the process. ​ Fast starts on: 08/28/2022- 09/11/2022
I noticed on my 40 day water fast after a while distilled water became very bitter and uncomfortable to drink. But spring water was just as good as it always was. Why is that? I know truenorth center drinks distilled...
Can I smoke during my water fasting period ?
Can we take multivitamins during water fast ? Anyone ?
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
my main goal is to lose 50 pounds in 3 weeks and the researches I've done suggest that one day of dry fasting equals 3 days of water fasting in terms of effectiveness. what's your take on this?
I am going to do a 3 day dry fast and I was thinking of going straight into a water fast after the 3rd day? Is it okay? Or should I do 3 day dry fast and eat for a...
Any recommendations? It’s worth it or should I stick to DF. I’m doing it for health maintenance/prevention
Or vice versa? I think I read somewhere that it might be dangerous for the human body. So, if we start a dry fast, it should remain a dry fast until you end it. Or if it's a water...
Noob to fasting but I did a 40 hour or so fast recently and once I got over the initial hump of hunger I felt amazing. For water fasting, should I drink coconut water periodically for electrolytes? What’s the easiest...
hello! i broke my fast two days ago (not in the right way), i was fasting since february 8th (i broke on the third day tho, pretended nothing happened after) and i'm restarting today. when ur in the first three...
Anyone tried dry fasting? Is it better than water fasting? Which is better for weight loss? Thanks
I have an event coming up for which I'm planning to lose weight fast. I'm planning to drink lots of water and Gatorade. Wanted to know if there are any side-effects to drinking Gatorade or if I should just stick...
Anyone know how many calories chlorine and sweat contain…?
I’m going on my first water fast for 3 days and was wondering if it would be dangerous to work out while fasting. My main goal is to lose weight but at the same time I don’t want to faint....
Ay so Im starting a 3 day water fast for clear skin and I need someone to hold me to it. If I feel alright at the end of it then Ill extend it.
Eh question says it all
Hello., I plan to start a 7-10 day water fast after the weekend. I have done a fast before that lasted for 10 days and it did help me quite a lot but it has been a while since I've...
okay ive never water fasted, i wanna lose weight. is 15 days extreme?
Hi. Been doing intermittent and extended water fasts for a while. Only done a few dry fasts, a couple 24 and 48 hour ones. I was curious as to your thoughts of doing intermittent dry fasts within an extended water...
I’d like to do a 3-5 days water fast (longest fast 36 hours so far) but OH suggests broth fast. Any difference in terms of results/benefits between the two? Thanks!
Has anyone had any issues with water fasting and taking a pre-employment drug screen?
Hello everyone, I am a 20 y/o male and I am fasting for 40 days for religious and health reasons. Is lemon water (water with the juice of a squeezed lemon) acceptable for a water fast ?
For my first water fast I’m trying to go 14 days. other than drinking water what do I need?
I'm wondering how long it's gonna take to kill all the bacteria in my small intestine. Would anyone have an idea?
Doing a 3 days water fasting would be nice to hear some history from y'all
I am using the OMAD method, I've been searching on the internet if it is okay to drink during fasting but I can't see results so I'll just ask here.
Hello, I always had a white tongue no matter how long I brush it and it always made me sad. Is it gonna help me if I do 7-days fasting? (I started anyway)
•I am female 5’10 around 210 pounds
Same as the title.
By ginger water I mean like a whole ginger grated into a pot of water, boiling the water and simmering for several minutes, then straining any solid pieces and drinking the water. Will the ginger juices and nutrients that have...
By my calculations, only 3.35lb/1.5kg is fat. So about 10 lb is all water weight???
I'm working to research the effects of water fasting on viral illness. Does anyone know if there are any sources regarding those who have cured themselves of something like HIV or Hepatitis C via extended water fasting?
Starting weight: 315 pounds Current weight: 289 pounds
Is it safe to dry fast daily 22:2? How much water to drink during the feeding period?
I am 48h into my water fast and I'm debating whether I need any external electrolytes or not. My fast will be 10 days. Should I get electrolytes for this period and if so what dose (mg), of the electrolytes should I...
I am planning on doing a 7 day water on Monday, 2/14 to 2/21. Wish me luck guys!
I have been working up towards an extended water fast and I know that it has effects on the heart. I use nicotine pouches as I have been quitting smoking and those increase your heart rate. Should I be worried...
Starting weight: 315 pounds Current weight: 301 pounds Feeling absulutely amazing! Not hungry at all, no tiredness, no fatigue.
is it ok to exercise during a water fast - if so, what sort of exercise do you recommend? 5'0 female btw!!
Is this normal? I’ve been taking in about 3-4 grams of salt and my weight doesn’t seem to be moving. I actually feel pretty normal and was wondering if I should keep going? Thanks
Can you take medication on a water fast? I mean you’ll still lose weight as fast right? But does it affect autophagy? I mean like valium, zolpidem or herbal stuff.
I’m just over halfway through a 7-day water fast and woke up with what I have to assume is keto rash all over my chest and back. Is it safe for me to continue fasting?
I've only done water fasts, longest being 24 hrs and did great, this time I want to do 72 hrs dry but im craving water so bad, would I lower the benefits if I just change to wf for the...
What is the proper way to cycle dry fasting and wet fasting? I've seen some comments that it's not safe to go from one to the other, but I don't understand why 🤔
I feel great! Been fasting for about 16 hours a day or longer for the past two weeks. I’ve been losing a lot of weight and water weight. I weighed 495 about three and a half weeks ago and now...
I’ve always been tempted to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to my hot water in the morning, but I’m afraid that doing that would break my fast so I usually save my hot lemon water for my first meal. Any thoughts?...
What is really the difference?
I plan to take electrolytes, but would love to know if other supplements are kosher. Thank you!
Is it OK to apply some eggs in hair for protein? Please suggest me anyway to protect my hair since during fasting hair is least prioritize by the body. FYI:I'm on day 2 of my 7 day waterfast
My period stopped after doing two weeks of water fasting, how do I get it back? Did anyone experience the same thing and if so who’s did you get it back??
Lo Salt is the best electrolyte supplement with no useless additives. Lo salt has all natural potassium chloride, sodium, and magnesium, all 0 calories which will not stop Autophagy. I think its the easiest way to start safe longterm water...
Watch "Science of Fasting HD" on YouTube
Like one of the ingredients in the hair product has water. Also can i use oil and grease for my hair
Am I doing something wrong? Been taking electrolytes and magnesium. Drinking water. This is my second time doing a water fast and the last one felt so much better.
Currently at day 4. Day1 (SW): 149bl I did a day a water fasting just to get hydrated Day2:147bl Starting DF Day3:144.2 Day4: 142.3 Day5:138.4 Day6:165.6(almost want to end DF but decide to continue) I will keep updating Welcome to join me :)
I’ve done water fast last month for 5 days & the result was pretty amazing. Originally I was set for 10 days but Christmas came by. Since the holidays is over, I’m so ready for a 20 Day fast! Join...
Hello I'm 128lbs1.80(skinny).my question is,how long should I wait to make a water fast again?i just finished this sunday a 6 day waterfast.I'm doing it for my chronic fatigue syndrome.thanks
Hello, Have any of you tried/done dry fasting, break it with water, then again do dryfasting? I mean that for example you do dry fast for 3days then drink onetime 0,5-1liter of water then go into dryfasting state for 2-3 days again?...
I am torn between dry and water fasting... So why is dry fasting better than water fasting? Thanks
Which is better for weight loss? Or is the weight loss gonna be similar to water fast and omad? If it's similar I rather do OMAD...
I'm on 4th day of water fast and feeling hungry a bit. How do I control my hunger? Tips.
Hi, I was just wondering, would I be able to play sports whilst fasting ? As long as I’m well hydrated with electrolytes etc. For example, an hour of 5 a side football (soccer, for you Americans !!) ? It’s some what...
Been water fasting for 2-3 days now can I jump right into a dry fast or will that be an issue?
Hi, I've been doing keto for the past 5 days (don't plan on stopping any time soon, I've done keto a lot in the past). What difference will it make starting a fast whilst already doing keto? Will I lose...
Leading up to this I did mostly keto, and a lot of intermittent/several day fasts. I only ate the 5th and 6th of this month. I want to do a 7 day dry, follow by 7 day water...
Hello! I’ve been water fasting for five days and felt so weak today that I just had one egg with some smoked salmon. My questions are - will I lose much weight loss benefit by doing this if I start...
My cravings for snacks/sweets have decreased massively