Hi! I was wondering if anyone here has bought the Obesity Code Cookbook and what were your thoughts about it? I saw some recipes having potatoes or honey as ingredients and was confused because it does not fit with its...
Hi all Ive just heard the interview w Filonov posted here, in which he says his protcol for obesity is 2x 1 day fasts per week (along with 10km walks on fasting days) Do we know if he means 2x24 or 2x36...
Just got to "The Solution" Chapter. I ❤ all diets work and all diets fail. I can't tell you how relieved I am reading this book. I thought of myself as out of control eater who plateaued...
I recently finished the Obesity Code and absolutely loved it! It's helped immensely but there was one part that was confusing. In chapter 2, he talks about nature vs nurture and cites a study that was done on adult adoptees...
I've always been a normal weight. I had 2 kids by 21 (2008), and was still very slim. Then, by 30 I had gained 25 lbs and hated it. At that same time, I got pregnant. I had 2 babies...
Say I wanted to lose about 100 pounds in 120 days or so, what routine is best? How long do you think it would take me to lose 10 waist inches? Thanks.
I recently finished reading The Obesity Code and was blown away by the powerful systems-thinking Dr. Fung applied to the discussion of obesity. I appreciated his multifactorial lens, but was a little shocked the book did not have a more...
Shower thoughts ... So many factors at play here. Fast food/junk food companies having more $$$ to influence policy-making. Lack of education for both parents and children. Not enough importance placed on health in schools. How would you realistically "solve"...
Hi - so I've been reading the book and gotten to the part about cortisol and I think I'm missing something. I've googled online and I don't read much written about it, and it's thoroughly confusing as to why...
So I’m thinking a rolling 48 fasting Omad I’m 310 and desperately want to lose significant weight by November at least 4 inches around the belt 42-44 would be doable by then. I’m hoping I can lose weight so I’ll...
I am a male weighing 93 kg. I went from 112 kg to 83 and then gained 10 kg over the course of 8 months after i quit that diet. I had a dietician btw. I Read obesity code and...
I have just finished reading the Obesity code by Jason Fung and have a question regarding CiCo. I know CiCo is a somewhat controversial and confusing topic but I can’t seem to find any answers for this question I have...
I'm a newbie here. I spent hours last night trying to figure out what exactly Dr. Fung is recommending when combining a Ketogenic Diet with Intermittent Fasting and Fasting for obese people. I have over 100 pounds to lose. ...
Am I really, finally making a progress post...? I see so many people on this sub share their victories and achievements and it's honestly the most motivating part of hanging out here. I have fantasized about being one...
I hit a BMI of 29.9 today. So stoked to finally be in the overweight range. I started at a BMI of 34.4 (194 pounds, 5 feet 3 inches female). I weigh 169 pounds now. Having lost a total of...
I have just finished reading the Obesity code by Jason Fung and have a question regarding CiCo. I know CiCo is a somewhat controversial and confusing topic but I can’t seem to find any answers for this question I have...
I’ve decided to dedicate 2023 to getting healthy after being overweight most of my life (and obese since I graduated from law school). Both my parents have died in the last few years, and I want to get healthy to...
Seems to me hardly anyone follows their advise. Last I checked high fat & sugar junk like fast food, pizza, potato chips, ice cream, bakery, and soda etc aren't recommended and those foods seem to be the real problem foods...
Hi there, I am male, 32 y.o. with normal health and fitness habits doing boxing 4 times a week (before iso). Should I start fast? Does anyone have any decent researches showing any benefits? Thanks!
I am a 24 old guy with a BMI of 36. I have had problems with my weight since I was a kid and always thought it is what it is and did nothing about it. But after following this...
I'm no newb to fasting but my success has been limited at best. Which book to you guys suggest to buy first, "the complete guide" or "the obesity code". Thanks
The obesity code has done more for me than Keto. Not only in weight loss but in healing my insulin resistance.
I have some knowledge of intermittent fasting/time restricted eating and am implementing that into my life. I have a few credits on audible and was wondering which book I should listen to first. The complete guide to fasting, or the...
I've decided to make some changes to my lifestyle and eating habits and educate myself so I'm looking to buy one of his books, one that contains all the necessary information. I might buy more later but I need one...
I realize that although I’ve had some success with IF, I don’t REALLY know what I’m doing lol. I want to learn more about the science and how to maximize weight loss doing 16/18 fasts. I snack a lot too,...
Two year old t2 diabetic here, I've been reading on Dr. Fung's fasting method and reversing diabetes. I see everywhere the focus is on obesity. I'm 6'1 and 155 lbs. I used to be 180 and looked great but now...
Some body positivity/fat acceptance activists have criticized The Whale, arguing that it negatively portrays a morbidly obese man and his eating habits. For instance, New York Times columnist Roxanne Gay who has weighed over 500 pounds and written about her...
Basically I am a female is 100lbs overweight. I am 260lbs. I want to get down to at least 150lbs but I am trying to avoid loose skin. I don’t know if I should hit the gym and eat healthy...
I’ve heard it breaks the fast but it’s actually encouraged to drink lemon water during a fast, why is this?
https://imgur.com/a/pW2MC8m got these overnight oats at the grocery store the other day; they looked good and i always struggle with breakfast. Looked at the nutrition and saw a whoooole lot of fat and saturated fat, but looking at the ingredients...
Can anyone link me to reports or bef after pics of a long 10+ day fast? I am on a 40 day waterfast now.
I have acanthosis on my neck and early diabetes and they say intermitten fasting is a blessing, but how does it work? What do I need to do?
How can I manage my cortisol levels while intermittent fasting? I feel like my lower belly pooch aka mom’s apron is getting more and more prominent 😕
Anyone have recommendations for the best / classic books recommending a fasting lifestyle from the last couple years? I’m looking to get back on track and looking for a good book to inspire me
Loving the positivity on this sub, and getting very interested in IF after trying a very basic 14:10 (skip breakfast) for the last few weeks. I've read "obesity code" and would like to find more information on how metabolism works...
Im wondering if warnings about kids and junk food are overstated. My uncertainty comes from the fact that many people who ate "poorly" as a kid are very healthy now, and that teens inherently need a ton of calories. Many...
So, weird question maybe, but did anyone else notice the disappearance of skin tags as you lost weight?
I enjoyed how I felt, but I don't want to hurt myself. I've done it twice but there's been almost year in between the first and second time I did one. I know I don't have wait a year but...
My friend believes MSG is harmful and on our discussion I sent him a video ted ed has made on the topic. To which he sent a research paper clearly saying MSG is not healthy. Link to the paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7239414/ So, is...
Has anyone’s resting heart rate dramatically decreased after weight loss? I’m at my heaviest, sitting here eating dinner relaxing and it’s at 105 bpm! I know my resting rate was lower 50lbs ago, down to 60bpm when sleeping, but it...
So I did a 90 hour waterfast and weight myselfe everyday and lost 0,6 kg every single day. Yesterday was my first refeed day and this morning I had lost 0,1 kg. Now I know that you loose waterweight during...
Hey! I've been reading a lot recently about the obesity (the obesity code) and in there, many mechanisms have been explained. Fasting has been mentioned as one of the key tools. My question is this- if we are, say, overweight and we...
What would be the oldest age limit to start the diet?
Hello Some of Dr Filonov recommendations worry me. In his book he wrote: Rapeseed, sunflower, corn, soybean, walnut oil - 1 tablespoon of any oil from this list once daily; • Sunflower, sesame, poppy, pumpkin seeds, walnuts; • Wheat sprouts; • Many other plant and...
I’ve read a lot of articles online about how BMI is not relevant because you could have a lot of muscle and it’ll put you as overweight But a LOT of people do not do any physical excercise. In this...
I heard diet soda causes you to have insulin spikes making calorie deficits ineffective or making weight loss harder despite a deficit. Is this true? Can insulin spikes counteract a calorie deficit and do sugary no calorie drinks cause this?...
How does what one eat during this time impact them in the future? A lot of, if not most, teens eat quite a lot of sugar; carbs or sweets. I can't define how much since it differs..just, think an...
The extra sugar, like the one you add to coffee, or consume in chocolate and sweets.
I really want to do a 40 day fast consuming juiced kale and seamoss and spring water only. I’m just a little scared of not being under any supervision. Plus this will be my first fast. Please any ideas?
On one hand, I’ve heard it’s low calorie and good for digestion, but on the other hand it must be high GI since it’s made with white rice. Thoughts? Edit: and also how plain congee compares to congee with meat and eggs....
Howdy. M, 5'8", 145lbs. I've researched the FAQs briefly but after talking with a buddy wanted to confirm two things. I'm currently going for the 16/8. I workout in the mornings around 6am, breakfast around noon for lunch. Friend says that...
In 2019, I stalked this page, envious of all the people who’ve tried, and successfully completed, intermittent fasting. Even seeing all the hope of people who were just starting out was making me envious. It got to the point where...
Hello , I am a male human and i need to save some money because i have a lot of debt and drug problems and people are looking for me would it be okay to dry fast for 30 days just...
I completed a 21 day fast at the beginning of the year and want to do a 40 day fast next week to lead up to my birthday. Is too much extended fasting bad for my long-term health? I'm experienced in...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Just looking for some guidance and direction on where to learn about IF? Am very interested in trying it, but want to do it in a responsible and healthy way for my body. TIA
I’m currently doing 20:4’s. I checked my blood sugar before my cream in my coffee and it was 86. An hour after I drank it I re-measured it and it’s at 109. Does this mean I’m not in the fasting...
As the title suggests any recommendations for podcasts around fasting that you have found useful.
If you go on TikTok (or any social media), you'll find well-known health and weight loss experts (even doctors) saying that intermittent fasting is really just a way to get into a calorie deficit without calorie counting - and you...
I have several people in my life that have told me that IF is tough on the body in the long term. And not to do it. Feel free to counter the point being made with positive things , so...
Happy December everyone! I’ve been experimenting with weekly 24 hour fasts in the past, and wanted to try out my very first 7 day extended water fast (with salt and electrolytes added in as needed.) Would appreciate any helpful tips...
Urgh. Yes i ate EVERYTHING. Still not sure this is a fair swap. I'm too far along to stop. Also caught flu like symptoms from someone at school, so feeling too ill to eat even if i wanted, which i...
Needing some motivation today, any tips or tricks that help?
My sister lost a crazy amount of weight using OZEMPIC, it suppresses her appetite greatly so she doesn't need to eat a lot. so the question is, will this thing be useful during a fast or will it negate the...
What are you best motivational/educational content sources for fasting? I sometimes enjoy listening to a fasting related interview or podcast to boost morale when the hunger kicks in. Any recommendations??? Thank you!!! Happy fasting!!!
Hello guys, I just turned eighteen back in October, I’m currently 5’9 and around 150lbs. I was wondering where I begin? I hate going swimming because I’m so self conscious about my body, I have a bit of a tummy...
When someone is plant based a lot of their protein intake arrives with a heavy carb load which makes it difficult to stay low carb (beans and lentils) It seems like the only way to maintain a very lean and...
So i’ve been watching a lot of videos about dry fasting and it’s kind of discouraging when i hear them say “after your fast, don’t eat dairy, meat, processed foods, sugar, etc” like thats all i have. And i...
Hello. Little backstory: I am a few pounds away from obese and I have a history of early pregnancy loss. I was just wondering if anyone has found fasting balanced their hormones enough to help them get (and stay) pregnant? Any...
Sorry may be a dumb question, but if you're fasting and drinking only water & snake juice, will the snake juice make your hunger go away? I noticed my hunger mainly comes really bad in the morning and lunch time,...
1) where can I find the best information on the benefits of fasting. 2) who are the leading researchers on fasting 3) what is the ideal fasting window for overall health not just weight loss 4) how often should you...
So I'm doing a 20/4 intermittent fast. I've been trying to establish the routine, so I haven't been worrying about staying within a caloric deficit. I'm the kind of person who can easily eat 4000+ calories in 4 hours. I...
Would a jacked 200 pound guy be less likely to die than a fat 200 pound guy at the same height?
Hello. As I am at chapter 19 of the book. If this comes up in the Appendix B let me know that i hsvent gotten far enough in the book. However, in Chapter 19 Fung mentions that...
I have some fat all over my body I want to lose, never done a real fast before but is it healthy to fast for me if i’m not overweight? also tips for fasting bc I get horrible cravings
I'm an obese individual, wanting to speed it up. Even if it's not only fat being lost but water weight too, I don't mind. I just need to get down the scale for now.
I’ve been intermittent fasting and it makes me a lot less hungry (which is good). I’m a 5’3 female who weighs 11 stone and I was wondering if 1000 calories per day is too little, or whether that’s fine? Edit: I...
Like the title says.. those of you who've tried just full-time keto before (as in, eating regularly, even if its just OMAD), do you lose more weight fasting than you do just on keto? I know for some people it's...
What does more damage to public health alcohol consumption or (full sugar) soda consumption?
Let this sink in. The obesity crisis since 1976 has occurred even though we ate about 450 calories MORE in 1976 than now. That is, we’ve cut calories by 450/day and increased obesity. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/aug/15/age-of-obesity-shaming-overweight-people So here’s the first big surprise:...
I have a book from only 2010 from a major health magazine that says that fasting creates a response of lowered metabolism, and is not a good method for fat loss. I understand they might have been wrong and sometimes...
I've read the obesity code and the ultimate guide to fasting. I know as long as you lift heavy 3 days per week while fasting you won't lose muscle mass. My question is can you gain muscle while doing a long fast....
hi all, I'm curious what you guys have seen as an ideal fasting length, to cut fat and preserve muscle. I'd seen Dr. Jason Fung mention that after 15 days or so the metabolic rate slows down, but that up...
Been doing some research on rolling 72 fasts with 1 day refeed, I just wanted to know if this was better than an extended fast (7+ days) and also, on refeeding days; what is the best thing to eat, and...