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Any other ex-smokers get urges to smoke while fasting?

This is something I’ve experienced when I fast but haven’t seen discussed (if anyone else even has this problem).

I quit smoking 7 years ago and was a regular pack-a-day smoker. I rarely get urges to smoke these days, but when I’m fasting I get that urge pretty hard. It’s no coincidence that my weight ballooned at the same time I quit, so I think it’s safe to say I replaced one habit with another - perhaps without realizing it.

Just curious if anyone else gets this urge and if you feel it has made fasting more difficult for you.

(fwiw, I’m 3 days deep into an extended fast)

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2 days in, ex-smoker (5 years ish) here. I’ve gone so far as to research herbal no-nicotine cigarettes. Even bought a pack in mid-November. Held onto it for a week, lit 1, put it out then threw them in the outside trash.

I totally understand the urge. Now I go do push ups when cravings hit. It helps.


oh im only 4 months into no smoking, started a omad, so 23:1 run, i do have some slight urges, but nothing i cant suppress with green tea, ngl, Green Tea really helped me stop smoking and now its doing wonders to stop me from breaking fasts too.

Only on day 4 of fasting tho.


3 days in here as well! I quit about a year ago and fortunately I have not had any cravings - for me smoking was alllllll mental. Sorry you are dealing with that but hopefully you can do some souls searching and come out stronger! How long are you fasting for?


Ok, so I have a question on the subject. I’ve never smoked so I don’t understand the addition from a personal perspective. Extended water fasting has helped me overcome my food addiction. I’m curious if anyone has been able to use fasting to quit smoking. Which, I realize is pretty much the exact opposite of what the OP is asking. 😂 but I’ve been curious in the past and this seemed like a good opportunity to ask.


Never had any urges to smoke while fasting, but the habit of having something to put in your mouth can be very strong. I would say try and focus on other things, work, hobbies, studying, whatever takes concentration. Congrats on quitting smoking, and remember you can always try again if fasting becomes a pain.

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