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Can you do regular Weightlifting and cardio with a water fast?

I do a 6 day PPL split and try to run 3x a week, would this be realistic to continue during a 5-10 day water fast?

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You’re going to really need to stay on top of electrolytes. You’ll be in for a seriously bad time otherwise. You’re gonna need to lift a bit lighter, and run either shorter or slower, especially if you’re going for ten days.

If you stay on top of electrolytes, you won’t die (lol) but if your experience is anything like mine, you’ll be ravanously hungry. I had to sub out runs for walks when I was really into fasting.


I did it and it’s absolutely possible, but cut the volume at least 50%. You’re not going to built anything, so you train only to sustain what you have. Take special care of electrolytes, lift heavy and low reps/ sets, and you’re good.


Depends on your body and how accustomed your body is to being in ketosis and using fat for fuel. In my experience, ketosis gives me more stamina and cardio ability while it takes from my burst power and max force output


But if you mind your electrolytes and listen to your body when it says enough, I think you’ll be happy with what you can do while fasting. It’ll likely just be a little different is all


YMMV but in my experience a run (in my case: jog/walk) near the end of a multi-day fast should be done with a bit of caution. Not a giant big deal, but I actually got to genuine low-ish Blood Glucose (down into the 50’s). This isn’t dangerous for a non-diabetic, but if you’ve decided to leg it out to some distant trail and then crash, it’s gonna be a long and miserable slog out.

In my case I was at the end of \~4.5mi at a 13:30 pace in a state park. Stuck my finger after a 15min drive home, so it was probably lower right at the finish. I’m also old, but am in good metabolic health. I’m old school, too, and would’ve been mortified to have to call in the Marines to rescue me.

Lots of people fear “oh no, I think my blood sugar is low” when it’s just normal fatigue, so I’m not being alarmist here. But if you have a meter it might be useful to see how things look for you during such a long fast while maintaining a rigorous exercise schedule.

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