| | Water Fasting

Day 13 of My First 14 Day Water Fast

I’d been lurking on this sub for many months and tried my hand at intermittent fasting + keto with lots of success in the past, but my insulin resistance made it so that what little progress I made I would soon gain back. A few weeks ago I finally decided to do a full on water fast and I know it was quite ambitious for the first time, but I read multiple posts and the wiki for information on electrolytes and supplementation. I’m finally on day 13 of a 14 day water fast and I plan to do another 14 day fast shortly after refeeding so that I reach my goal weight around April.

Here are the stats:

Age/Height: 23, 5’5 Male
Starting Weight: 192 lbs
Current Weight: 170 lbs
Goal Weight: 150 lbs

I didn’t take any progress pictures but I did take notes on how I felt throughout the two weeks. Day 1-5 was very very tough to endure and after day 6 things got a lot easier. My family got concerned for my health and wanted me to quit early at the 10 day mark so I think all that pestering got to me mentally because day 10 was the most difficult. Every day since then has been pretty easy and the hunger continued to die down as I progressed.

I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life so I’ve been planning on drinking bowls of miso broth for the first two days of refeeding while trying my luck at some kimchi I have in the fridge. On day 3 I think I’ll try my first bits of solid food like cheese and almonds/peanuts/dry fruit but I don’t want to push things too quickly because this is my first time. I’ll be aiming to stay in ketosis for my refeeding and ideally OMAD. Any tips/suggestions/advice is much appreciated for my refeeding!

This is my first time posting on reddit as well so apologies for any formatting issues. Thank you for reading.

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Please do add salt and magnesium to your water!
Apple cider vinegar as well if you are willing.
I have done about 6 or 7 long fasts and the most recent one, I wasn’t on top of my electrolytes so I had a bad reaction when refeeding due to the lack of electrolytes.

But yes, for the first day, just a cup of miso soup. Then wait 3 hours, and have a bowl of miso soup with kimchi. Then another 2 hours, and have another bowl of miso soup and steamed veggies (no raw veggies). Doesn’t have to be this exact but just space it out and see how you feel.
Can also have fresh veggie juice if you have a juicer.
The 1st and 2nd day should be 30-40% of refeed.

Then, 3rd and 4th day, you can do 50% of what you would eat but keep it to easily digestible options - can add avocado, or eggs.

On the 5th day, you can try eating normally again.

Kudos on your progress :)

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