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Dry fasting cure for depression?

Has anyone coming out of a dry fast cured their depression? If so how long did it take and how did you feel?

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I’ve seen testimonies of such stories here, some examples:

“I’ve struggle with depression and anxiety for the last 20 years and after my first 48h dry fast it went away. Better than most medications I have done!!!”

“I know it sounds insane but it’s either this or I cave and go get depression medication. I found out about fasting bc I had an episode and decided to Scide by not eating or drinking anything (partly was due to not having motivation to), I woke up after 2 days with insane energy and a powerful will to live, what’s weird is I had no troubles refeeding at that time.”

“I once soft Dry fasted in 2018 from Sunday night to Friday at lunch. I suffered from crippling depression and anxiety before, I haven’t had an anxiety attack since. I have had the occasional day where I was a bit depressed, but dry fasting is my go to cure. Fasting changed my life.”

“I do OMAD with at least 16 to 20hrs of dry fasting every night. I also dry fast like that if I’m just fasting too.”

“Besides losing weight, my depression is gone, acid reflux is gone, skin tags disappearing, I sleep better, although not as long and I have no trouble getting out of bed in the morning. It’s sustainable.”

“Cured my depression, at least to the point where I could get the ball rolling on my life again. I would absolutely do it again when I’m feeling like that but this time I won’t wait years. […]

I was extremely depressed and suicidal to the point I stopped eating and drinking altogether, it’s dumb but I was just accepting that if I wanted to truly die then this would be the best way to go since it takes so long. Little did I know I actually initiated a dry fast on the 4th or 5th day I woke up with an insane will to live and loads of anxiety to get my life back in order.”

“I do an Omad dry every day I am struggling with a cold so I will try to push for a 3 day dry fast till Wednesday. I struggled with depression for ten years and dry fasting has helped to heal my brain”


I’ll chime in and say I have dealt with depression and anxiety and substance abuse over the last 10 years or so due to things like domestic and emotional abuse. Ever since I started fasting about a year and a half ago, I have given up all vices (adderall, smoking, pot, drinking) and feel the healthiest I ever have in my life. I feel there is a big tie between sugar and deteriorating mental health (and physical obvi)

I just started DF from sun up to sun down during day 5 & 6 of my 7 day water fast and have fallen in love. I am more focused and productive and have no depression and my anxiety is getting better as I find a closer connection to Almighty.

I feel like I have finally found a path for a happy healthy life continuously


From experience I can say life got a lot less difficult after my 5 day df. I worked my way up up that.

Temper your expectations but believe anything is possible. You are on the right path. Listen to your body and learn about df to do it safely. Outside of just moving around I think it’s the single most important thing someone can do for their health. In my view it’s tapping back into the intate wisdom that created everything and allowing it to heal us.

Edit: When I’m in ketosis I don’t feel depression.DF for 5 days left some permanent noticeable changes. It’s spring time so going to cleanse and attempt a long df again.


I hope my perspective can help. I realized caffeine was responsible for my depression after going several weeks without caffeine and then deciding to have a green tea latte. I felt great during the brief high then several hours later I was down in the dumps and I didn’t know why. I asked myself why am I feeling like this after not feeling like this for so long. Then I realized I drank the green tea a few hours earlier and I had what felt like a divine revelation on how much caffeine has impacted my life. So since then I do my best to stay away from coffee, tea, chocolate etc. Every time I do I feel as if I regret it.

Now back to you. You are viewing depression as if it is a virus, or cancer. Something that needs to be ‘defeated, hence the reason why you want to fast it out of our system.

But what if that’s not the case. What if something is causing your depression. What if something is causing a chemical imbalance inside of you to be depressed? In my case it was stimulants, specifically caffeine. And when you think about it, it makes sense. What goes up, comes down. And I was so addicted for decades of going up that I didn’t realize how low the stimulants were bringing me. I thought my own depression was caused by nutritional deficiencies or loneliness. It wasn’t. It was caused by a chemical foreign to my body which I was consuming in large quantities since I was about 5 years old. I probably damaged my adrenal glands pumping out all that adrenaline for 3+ decades before I got it under control.

I hope my story helps in some capacity for someone out there. Look at the cup you’re drinking from. It may be the cause of your own health crisis.

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