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Food is a Scam, and We’re All Suckers

Every time I go on a prolonged fast, I can’t help but notice all the people trying to sell me food. There are McDonald’s ads on YouTube, as well as KFC, Dominos, and Woolworths. These companies get a direct line to my eyeballs every single day, but I don’t actually need what they’re selling every single day, and everything (in the case of the fast food) they sell is garbage that I would never, ever need. Fasting turns me into a skeptic when it comes to the food industry. I can live without all that stuff! So how did I get to the point where I thought I couldn’t? How is it ethical for fast food companies to advertise their terrible food? It all looks like a scam. That’s all I’m saying. It looks like a scam.

EDIT: I just got a Coles ad. Big food knows something… something about me!

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We live in an economy driven society. Those businesses are driven to make a profit. I don’t know if it’s a scam. Just business. If a franchise sold only healthy products and had millions of consumers, then they too would be advertising around the clock.

But I get it. I am day 14 into a fast. My thoughts surrounding food, sugar, fat, and dopamine are powerfully transforming. 💥 I am responsible for what I eat.

I keep thinking about when I will end the fast and what I want to fertilise my bodily ecosystem with. What will give me the most energy versus what will weigh me down? 🧡

How many days in are you?


The food Industry uses the same addiction based marketing startegy that the tobacco companies used to sell cigarettes. Thats the ugly truth at the root of the obesity problem. They switched from selling lung cancer to diabetes. The worst part is they are in bed with the government and other “health” organizations.


Some people think that going without breakfast is very dangerous. The attitude of the majority to food is just insane. Most people in western countries could easily go a week without food with no bad effects.


It was the food industry paired with the governments that pushed eating 3times a day, then snacking, then high carb low fat. Even in the schools they have snacks multiple times a day. Yes it’s all a scam bought and paid for


When I was in fourth grade we learned about all the propaganda techniques advertisers use to manipulate us into buying things we don’t need. In high school, we learned rhetorical devises writers use to persuade their readers. Throughout school, we were taught how to navigate our way through this world armed with critical thinking skills. It’s not the corporations’ fault that we make bad choices. They are doing their job. It’s our responsibility to make good choices. No one forces us to consume their crappy products.


I wouldn’t say it’s a scam. Fast food is what it is, the hint is in the name 😂 We’ve gone away from eating meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner to grab as you go, 24/7 McDonalds etc…

We’ve been made to think sleeping less, moving less and eating on the go is better, because it must mean we’re putting in the work and grinding to go places.

In the end you’re just stealing from your future self when you do that stuff too much. Just like anything, drinking water, eating fast food or fasting too much is bad for you!

When you actually sit and fast you realise when you’re just habitually eating and bored eating versus “OH FUCK I AM HUNGRY”

You also then start to notice how many calories are in things. That’s always a surprise after you’ve been doing guesstamations for the last 6-12-24 months.

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