| | Water Fasting

Hi, new here. Just ended another 96 hour fast

I go through long cycles of keto with intermittent fasting and “regular” healthy eating. When I’m keto I do 4/20 eat/fast and add three 96 hour fasts over two months. I’ve been into fasting for about three years now. During long fasts I use water w/electrolytes, vitamin D, vitamin C, nutritional yeast for B vitamins, and magnesium. I also drink coffee and tea.

My staples are canned mackerel, brussels sprouts, pastured eggs, broccoli, berries, grass fed beef, wild shrimp, miso paste, kimchi, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, natto

Fasting has been amazing for fat loss and also just generally feeling better. I also like the fancier benefits like growth hormone, brain derived neurotropic factor, mitochondrial maintenance, etc.

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Welcome! My husband and I are beginning a 96 on Sunday night. I have been fasting for a year and a half but my husband started with me in October. We have done four 4 day fasts and one 5 day. I think 4 is the sweet spot for us. I’m actually getting really excited! I have that about to go on a road trip feeling. Does that make sense? It’s going to be long and boring sometimes but I’m ready for it! I’m going to enjoy it!

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