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I start but usually break a 36 hour fast today

I’m starting a 36 hour fast today.

Cheer me on! I need this!

I have put my diabetes type 2 into mostly-remission, but only b/c of weight loss! (it’s really pretty cool - foot tingles are a thing of the past :)

I lost 40 pounds, then gained 4 back.

I usually break at 12, 15, or 23 hrs, b/c “a few calories sounds like such a good idea”. lol

Anyway - 36 hours - cheer me on or give me any tips!


Edit: I’m checking in every few hours and getting tips. They’re really helping ! :)

Encouragement is nice too. Thank you!


Just a quick update. Everyone’s been so helpful. The advice here is really, really good. Anyway, I took a long walk, and I think I’m gonna convert to Omad to make these fasts easier. Thank you everyone and keep them coming. Thanks!

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I binge watch fasting videos on YouTube and other educational content on hobbies or motivational stuff. Binge watching tv shows and YouTube videos (especially one that don’t show a lot of eating like home improvement, hoarders, true crime) makes it easier for me to not think about eating.

Also, calling people and telling them I’m fasting. Scrolling Reddit and TikTok also take up a lot time.


I think it helps to know and be prepared for when you’ll first start to be hungry. Around the 24 hour mark you’ll be hungry because of the ghrelin spike. It’s harmless and will go away in about an hour. If you make it to 48 there’s another one that’s less intense. 36 should be pretty easy though after the first 24 hour mark.


Here’s how I do 36 hour fasts.

I normally eat dinner OMAD every evening.

So I eat my Fri night OMAD. Big healthy dinner. Then fast until Sunday morning. Have a nice big breakfast (which is a rarity and I enjoy it). Then I fast until Monday dinner. That’s back to back ~36 hour fasts with breakfast in between. I do it every month or so.

Skipping dinner and then sleeping, waking up, and eating soon after isn’t hard at all for me. You can take magnesium electrolytes to help if sleep is an issue.

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