| | Water Fasting


If anyone wants to be a moderator for the r/xxfasting sub, you’ll have to contact reddit via r/redditrequest. I’ve heard it can take about a month for them to get back to you.

As a mod, you can edit community rules/FAQ’s, as well as make sure people aren’t breaking rules within posts/comments/etc.

Please only take on this endeavour if you have the time to do so. Per Reddit, your account needs to be at least 90 days old, and you have to have at least 500 karma. :)

Thanks, ladies!


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Hmm, I have a ton of time on my hands since I’m a SAHM with teenagers. I might be interested. I’m a new faster, and also new to Reddit, but I moderate an active FB group and a few other forums in the past.


i can do it. i have the time for a small sub and met the reddit request requirements.

i was fasting for about 2 months then stopped due to issues irl and am just getting back into it. making a sub for women is a great idea.

edit: nvm someone already submitted for the sub, I would mod tho if you guys needed help.

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