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if you can't buy everything bio, what produce do you prioritise buying as bio and why?

When I go grocery shopping, I try to buy bio/organic as much as I can, but can’t always… Usually meats and fish I buy bio (as they’re more likely to have been raised responsibly, is what I’m thinking)… What do you do?

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We used to buy everything organic, but don’t anymore. We still buy most fruit organic but not always. Instead, we go by what looks and feels the best.

One issue with organic where we live is that it doesn’t sell as fast so it is often not as fresh.


Animals and things that come from animals (milk, eggs, cheese etc) should always be bought with care, unless absolutely can’t afford it (which i understand, i’ve been in that situation).

Plants, even though they are ‘organic’ aren’t pesticide free anyways, it would be impossible for mass production - so if i had to choose i would just buy fruits and vegetables ‘not organic’.


Veggie/fruit wise there are some who need to be bio, while others are pretty fine regularly. Here’s a list based on 2022 pesticide research.

As to meats I chose Bio or other forms like biodynamic or shared ownership. Fish I am very selective and I find it extreme hard to eat. It’s always a ethical debate between the state of the ocean and the state of production fish. The less you know the easier, so don’t look into it if don’t want to.

In general I buy almost all veggies and fruits bio at the local market(far cheaper). I do buy other bio products in a grocer depending on price. And some things I just go with the financial sane option.


Milk, meat, fruit and veggies because they are produced with unhealthy chemicals and environmentally destructive practices. If you are in EU it’s a bit better but even frozen veggies are produced poorly. I choose to make a statement and spend where it helps so I only buy commodities from supermarket and everything else from farmers or co-ops. Nothing is ever going to change if the dollars don’t get redirected

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