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Is it truly important to break fasts "properly"?

I was trying keto but I’m low on money and food right now, so I had to break keto until my next paycheck. While figuring out what to do and not binge too much on carbs, I decided to purposely fast. I found it easy to eat everyday at 3-5 PM, one or two small meals. It’s not as painful as I thought. Boring, but not painful.

I think I’ll try fasting even after I go back to keto. I’m not sure what type of fast this is. My measurements say 20~ hour but that can’t be right.

I’m low on food and mainly have a lot of rice, quinoa, and pasta. Reading online, it’s a bad idea to stuff yourself full of carbs after fasting or else you’ll feel sluggish. Does that only apply to long (24+ hour) fasts? Is it okay if you eat slowly? How carbs is too many? Is it best to eat certain foods after breaking a light fast?

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So your eating window is 2 hours. 24 hours take 2 is 22 :) you’re doing 22:2 which is really good!!

The problem with high carbs is that you’ll likely get hungry throughout the fast. But it’s fine if you’re able to cope with it for now until you can buy higher quality foods.


Under 48hr…not really. I mean, it is better to come out clean obviously, but it will just reduce some of the benefits a small amount

Big thing is that when you fast, you go a bit more into fats burning mode. You slow that process when you carb up, but it is what it is when the budget is tight.

If you were over 48…starts being a bit different as the carb rush can have negative impacts


When I break a fast with lots of carbs, I see my weight fluctuating a lot more over the next two days. But if I break a fast with protein, it not only keeps it stable, but also makes me feel more energetic and LESS bloated.

I believe it’s best to break a fast with protein since you are in ketosis after 18 hours( I think? Im not sure) and it gives you fuel!

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Categories: keto binge carbs pain sluggish eating window a fast ketosis