Stupid question but is a lettuce wrap from carls Jr considered keto ?
I’ve been on keto for 4 months now and I’m feeling great and just love how much energy I have on this diet. Since a week or two I’ve added intermittent fasting, 16/8, to see what it would do to...
I’m just over halfway through a 7-day water fast and woke up with what I have to assume is keto rash all over my chest and back. Is it safe for me to continue fasting?
In your experience, what fast length do you start to get positive results from the keto test strips? I've read that 16-18 hours should start going into ketosis but started testing after 18 hours and it's not registering anything.
Got a lot of questions about the benefits and cons of these two diets, so I thought I'd do a write-up comparing them. Feel free to add thoughts, comments or concerns. [Mediterranean vs Keto](
I've seen Jason Fung say that keeping the refeeds in between rolling are best kept keto. I'm a vegan. Does this mean I should just eat a lot of avocados and then go back out into the next rolling fast?...
Hi, I've been doing keto for the past 5 days (don't plan on stopping any time soon, I've done keto a lot in the past). What difference will it make starting a fast whilst already doing keto? Will I lose...
Most of potassium rich foods that I can think of have carbs.
How could you help recover muscles, while on ketosis? Unless isometric workouts would play a role in muscle recovery, I’m not sure. Any help?
I’ve noticed some folks saying that after their 5 or 7 day fast, they will do an OMAD and eat keto. This will allow them to keep off majority of the weight that they lost during their fast. Is there...
Like the title says.. those of you who've tried just full-time keto before (as in, eating regularly, even if its just OMAD), do you lose more weight fasting than you do just on keto? I know for some people it's...
I’ve lost 18 lbs in 8 days. Not carbs at all. Fasting for 3 days, then eating bacon in the morning and fasting for 3 days and so on. For some reason I still don’t have pink keto strips. Is...
Does anyone use a keto testing kit? Would you make a recommendation? IF turns the body into keto mode. But I never know when. Some say between 12 to 36 hours. Testing to know for sure would be nice.
My keto strips expire in one month. I'm on hour 60 of fast and still showing no ketones. Could they be expired early? Or another reason?
Can you fast with Keto? I was going to do >1000 lbs for 3 weeks with Keto. It’s awful, I’m not denying that, but I have some urgent life callings I need to attend do, making this necessary. Need to...
I have keto rash on my chest, back, and chin. I went to my doctor today, and he said he didn't know what to do for me. Is this permanent? How can I get rid of it quickly? I have...
I’m one of the unfortunate ones who gets keto rash on my chest and back when I start fasting for more than a day. It’s not my first time experiencing it, I’ve had it years ago. I read that it’s...
Hello everyone, any tips on what helped you on breaking your fast with Keto? What foods did you eat and how much and when? For how long did you eat smaller amounts or adapt to a normal meal? I’m on...
I know, it depends! But I would really appreciate hearing personal experiences with weight loss while intermittent fasting —comparing lbs dropped while sticking to keto in your eating window vs eating carbs in your eating window.
Just curious about it and I want to know, For People doing a regular Plan not Keto ... etc Thanks an advance
I still eat carbs, like potatoes, bread, chips, rice, pasta. Yet I’m noticing my breath is getting worse, especially right now where I haven’t ate for 18 hours. I floss twice a day and brush for two minutes. Is this...
I'd like to try a 24h fasting once per week for a while to lose weight, but I'm hesitating to go keto. From my previous experiences I've found keto to be very efficient for short term weight loss, but every...
Currently 42 hours into my fasting and yet the keto straps claim that I am not in ketosis. Any idea why that could be?
Any suggestions for this routine? Thinking this would be a great way to shed fat fast and might try it soon. I’m 6 ft 4 inches and 290 lbs, just to put it out there.
A couple of months ago I went up to 40hr fasting on only water. I got what they call a keto rash. Upper body all red, warm and itchy. I got scared and devoured high carbs. For context I am...
Last week I fasted Sunday night until Friday Morning and then ate Keto during the weekend. I thought that would give me some sort of benefit during this week where I plan to do the same regimen. However I’m unsure...
Like what are some substitutes for the things you can’t eat on Keto, like ice cream, rice, bread, etc?
I am aware of the specific kind of bad breathe you get when your body is in ketosis ( I usually get it 14 hours into fasting) and currently following a 18:6 plan). I was wondering if the breathe will...
I’ve been looking for a good electrolyte powder to use for longer fasts that I’m about to start doing. It’s zero carbs, zero calories and that have tons of different flavors. I wanted opinions on it from you guys...
Just wanted to share, I've been doing OMAD with a strict keto diet when I eat, I've also thrown in an occasional 36hr fast between meals. I am just really excited about how great my teeth feel right now. They're...
Just looking for opinions on which people have found more effective for not only weight loss but also maintaining that loss.
Hi all, I've been doing intermittent fasting for a couple of years now. Both during keto and with carbs. I do OMAD and it benefits my lifestyle and schedule. The difference I noticed with fasting on Keto and on carbs...
I currently weigh 141lbs at 5’2 and I have a goal weight of 110-115lbs. I’m thinking of doing 5:2 fasting with keto on refeed days. I know it’s different for everyone but I was wondering if anyone more experienced at...
What is more benefitial in your opinion? I’m comparing two situations: 1-you eat moderate amounts of carbs/fat/proteins and fast occasionally for 24-36 hours. 2-you are on a strict keto diet but you never fast, so maybe sometimes intermittently like 12-16 hours but...
My main goal for fasting is to lose weight. I’ve started a rolling 48hr routine with 1500cal refeeds. I’m not that active due to bad knees so I’m leaning towards strictly keto. Will going purely keto be that much more...
I’ve been doing ADF and sometimes it’s easy, other times it’s not. Is there any drawback to having just protein/fat say, omad on what has been my fasting days? I’m finding my energy levels for intense weightlifting isn’t...
I ate a keto diet for a long time and now I do Weight Watchers; my trainer thought I needed something more sustainable because I had some hinges on keto. I do a 60 hour fast once a week and...
Lately I've been eating more sugar heard this thing called dry fasting is like water fasting but more effective... Should I fast for 2 days then go straight into dry fasting or try keto for a week. I feel like...
I’m wanting to learn how to be more Keto with IF. I’m a month into it and adjusting well to 18:6. Have a solid 5 to loose forever to meet my 2022 goal. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
So currently ive been playing around with range of different fasting times and periods to try and find the sweet spot between doing longer then 24hr fasts (48/72's) with rolling OMAD keto in-between vs being on a strictly OMAD keto...
Hi Everyone, During my fasting period last evening, I got a bad headache, felt dizzy and became very nauseous. I've been doing 16:8 for about a month now and this is the first time this has happened. In fact, my body...
No pictures. Started with IF 8/16 then switched to early time restricted feeding 4/20. 4h feeding window and 20 h fasting period. Works amazing! Never hungry, very happy.
I'm on a plateau. 5"9/185, goat 175. I generally do 16/8. I'm on a plateau. For grins and giggles, I picked up some keto piss strips, and I'm pretty deep into keto...
I learned keto several years ago to lose around 70 lbs (I was 230lbs at my heaviest, 5’8”) and have used it ever since to regulate my weight, but it’s still amazing to me that after a month and a...
What’s a good schedule you recommend for keto and IF paired together? I usually work out in the afternoon. I’ve done 23/1. It’s the most efficient for weight loss for me. But I have a hard time eating everything in...
Hi everyone, I am looking to lose 30 pounds of postpartum weight and trying to combine keto diet with prolonged fasts (36- 76 hours). I found the fasts to be ok but the keto carbs is what I really struggle with....
Hi, I have been Fasting in the past and i hate the first 3-4 days but I really need to lose around 8-11 kilo’s so i’ve been postponing fasting for about 2 months now since I am changing jobs but...
I’ve started a rolling omad routine with 1500cal refeeds. I’m not that active due to bad knees so I’m leaning towards strictly keto. Will going purely keto be that much more effective as opposed to a regular meal with carbs?...
I know it takes anywhere from 4 days to 1 week to get your body into ketosis. After you are in ketosis, if you have a cheat meal like a donut or ice cream, will it completely take you...
Hi Everyone, After reading Dr. Fung's books, it's clear that he advocates a low-carb diet. In his Obesity Code book, he talks about looking at food's glycemic index/load as a guideline for foods to look at to eat. Also, in...
I (M39) have been doing intermittent fasting for the last 6 months, with a reduced carb intake. Managed to lose about 25 pounds, after which I stagnated. 2 weeks back I started doing Keto with IF (16:8). I have been...
I’ve been fasting for about two months now for pre-diabetes. Yesterday I went to a heart health event sponsored by work and when they did the blood glucose check, my glucose was still high despite the fact that I was...
Hello all, hopefully I will get a response for this post. I have been fasting for a few years (36 hrs to 110hrs). I am currently on medication that needs protein to work. However, I really want to do a...
I’ve done plenty of 48 and 72 hour fasts in the past, and even the occasionally OMAD or 18:6. I just recently started experimenting with longer 5/6 day fasts, and I have the oddest taste in my mouth. I know...
Basically the title but I’ve been more or less doing keto with lower fat meats and staying under my calories that I need for the day on my refeed days. Does keto improve weight loss while fasting or does it...
So I'm basically way to weak to fast when I'm eating a high carb diet, I've tried numerous times and i can't do it. So I'mma try keto and then fast on the weeknd. I've betted my brother 150...
Hey quick back story, I've tried a few diets I was 180kgs now I'm 120kgs I'm currently on a calorie deficit but the last 40kgs are getting harder to lose my friend told me me fasting worked really well for...
Hi everyone! I just recently started to do IF. Since im only eating 2 meals a day,im planning to switch to Keto diet which is mostly fat 70% and some protien. The ones who did Fasting + Keto how was your experience?...
Does anyone have experience with water fasting for 36-48 hours and then eating mostly healthy foods with a treat or two on the third day and then repeating this? I am pretty experienced with 36-hour fasts and mainly eat that...
Hi All I’m post menopausal, with a non alcoholic fatty liver, insomnia and recurrent, complicated UTI and with about 40lbs to lose. I would really like to get a grip on my health before it degrades further. I’m quite happy to...
Dear redditors My question regards the Keto-Diet: To my understanding (and I am a medstudent and im currently studying metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) we dont NEED to eat fats if we want to go on a keto-diet because acetyl-coA...
So, I have been starting intermittent fasting and I usually do a 16:8 fast. Do I have to be on keto to see real results? I try to watch my diet and eating habits. Thanks for any advice even supplements...
I am starting IF BUT would not like to go Keto. I strength train 5-6 days of the week and run fasted 4-5 times a week. Would still like to incorporate carbs in my diet. Has anyone had success with...
I just finished my first 72 hour fast. Towards the end of it I was able to smell cheese and donuts and all stuff I used to eat. I've been able to walk past all of that. I'm down to approximately 3...
Will I be able to go back to eating carbs and sugar after a short period of being on keto? I also want to clarify that if I were to reintroduce those foods, I would be eating in moderation and...
Winding down a 5 day fast today. I've lost 10 lbs and I know a lot of it will return. But will jumping right into either a keto or no carb diet help to maintain most of the weightloss? ...
Doing a 7 day dry fast and wondering if I can refeed with a keto meal? I will start the 7 day dry fast again after my one day break and repeat the process. Don't want to gain any weight...
TL;DR: Has anyone else felt good while doing IF + carbs, but hungry when doing IF + keto? Should I go harder on carb-reduction, or put the carbs back in? I started IF in college, I would swipe into the...
Since you're not allowed to talk about 'cheats' on /r/keto, I figured I'd talk about them here. I've been on keto for about 10 months now, and had some great progress. When I added on OMAD IF, I lost a little...
I used to do extended fasts (7+ days) a lot but haven't in a while. I don't eat a crazy amount of carbs normally but definitely not in ketosis.. should I ease into it by eating keto for a few...
I've been ADF for a few months and have maintained weight while gaining strength like crazy - eating without calorie counting and with carbs as much as I want. Strong and lightest I've ever been. It's great! However,...
Hey, yesterday I had work in the morning and then I went on a fishing trip for the rest of the day. I ate like 4 strawberry’s in the car on my way back but then I came home and...
Hi friends! I have a question for those who follow rolling 48s or 72s instead of doing prolonged fasts because of keto rash. I was so excited to complete my first three-day water fast a couple weeks ago. I then...
I am planning on starting with a 3 day fast to kick into keto. I am mainly doing this to decrease body fat percentage, reset my body and for my own metal health. I am relatively healthy and workout 5x...
I’m considering breaking my fasts with a keto diet for a couple of days to keep more ‘gains’ I’ve realised after breaking my past fasts properly, I just end up binging and probably losing any of my gains / ‘rewarding’...
Just watched the latest vid about the snack fasting. He keeps talking about a therapeutic keto diet, 400-800 cals, less than 20% protein and of course low carb. But he never gives examples of exactly what foods would be good...
I'm doing a 23/1 and reading sites and watching videos. I'm confused about two recommendations. In a 23/1 where you only eat one meal, make it a big meal. Thanksgiving dinner is an example of a big...
Im not diabetes or nothing i just heard you can get it from fasting.
So, for some context, I’ve been following a ketogenic diet for almost two months now. I’m kind of in a rut and want to do an extended water fast to break it up and facilitate weight loss. I...
There are many different forms of fasting. There is the 16/8 diet, alternate day fasting, and more. One of the more extreme versions is called one-meal-a-day (OMAD for short). This diet consists of individuals eating one very calorie-dense meal daily....
M 33 5’ 9” 185lbs. I started keto in July and did it for 3 months. I lost 15 pounds and then gained 5 back as soon as I stopped. Keto was fine but difficult for me to do any...
I’ve had success losing weight in the past with IF, OMAD, 24-36 hour fasts, CICO etc. During those periods of weight loss I was in ketosis at least according to the keto strips. Based on that I do think my body...
Hi, i started with 121 Kg on 180 cm and got with keto to 80 Kg. The problem ist that i restricted the also the calorieson keto. Now i do IF with Keto. Monday to friday i eat once a day...
My husband and I have recently started to Intermittent Fast and I also throw in OMAD 1-2x/week. We are also doing a very low carb diet. I’m trying to stay under 20 carbs while he is trying to stay under...
[Before]( [After]( So I did a thing. A big thing. Motivation came from my granddaughters. I wanted to be able to keep up with these wonderful beings for a long time! I want to be around and be the crazy Mimi for them! Getting...
I’m new to fasting. I am considering 16:8 to get started. From my research I’m seeing a lot of info on the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. Do you have to be on a keto diet for intermittent fasting to...
I've had awesome success with keto, but I've been at a pretty discouraging plateau for a couple weeks now, and I'm thinking of giving IF a try to get me out of my slump. Before I got pregnant with my...
Hi all, I’m rocking the 16:8 and sometimes 20:4 and getting in long walks in prep for starting running again. I’ve been trying to do Keto....but I eat too much fruits and vegetables, and I love homemade bread haha. I eat very...
I'm trying to combine as many healthy routines to maximize my gains. Wondering if I can keep the benefits going I get from prolonged fasting if I only eat low carb foods once I eat? Are the benefits the same from...
Hi, sorry if this post contains TMI but I am on day 2 of a water fast & I'm still having some bowel movements. I am noticing small white chunks in my stool. Don't know how to describe them other...
In the past I have done keto, atkins or low carb in general with excellent results. This time, because my cholesterol is quite high, I decided to do IF and I do 18:6 (two meals at 12:00 and 18:00) or OMAD...