I just started a modified version of ADF (fast 24 hours, eat-smaller portions- 24 hours) and im going to try to start true ADF on Monday. On my fasting days I am SO tired. I feel sluggish and just don't...
Hello! I've been doing time restricted eating for a few years now. I'm a big fan but there's one issue I've been having. Wanted to get some feedback. My day will typically look something like this: **Small-ish...
I'm in day 4 of a 16:8 fasting program. Part of this program involves stopping drinking all soda and sugary drinks, so my sugar intake may be down as much as 80%, so that could be a factor. I went for a...
Is it the overconsumption of calories? Or is it that fast food is t very nutritionally dense. Also if I overate healthy food would I still feel bad afterwards?
I usually do 72-96h rolling fasts. Not new to working out (I'm a PT, and have been lifting weights for many a year). Also not new to fasting. Haven't changed my diet etc. I find that on the days after...
When someone feels sluggish and then has a sugar/glucose hit they can may perk up quite rapidly. When this occurs does the ingested sugar/glucose source still go through the liver or once in the small intetsine can it...
When I go too long without eating, I feel fatigued and my respirations are increased. I also get a slight pressure headache. I don’t do long fasts. Usually 16-18 hours but because I feel like this, it doesn’t feel healthy....
I just started fasting 60hrs twice a week with a 12 hr break and weekends off. When I broke my fast this morning I was just like "ugh food". I mean I wasn't as excited as I hyped it in...
In week three(ish) of OMAD(ish). Generally OMAD to 22:2, a little lax to 16:8 on the weekends if I’ve got plans that involve food. This week I’ve been feeling sick and sluggish when I eat my one meal. I’m not...
I’m doing rolling 72s this spring to lose some excess fat before summer. From my understanding, you can’t really gain muscle and lose fat effectively at the same time. However I plan to do some lower intensity workouts during my...
Are there benefits to fasting for normal weight people? Like in terms of energy and such. Have you noticed?
I've been doing a 1,200 calorie diet for around 2-3 weeks and I've dropped almost 4 pounds and I'm seeing some noticeable improvements im a 16 yr old male 5ft 8 inches tall currently weighing about 137 pounds but my...
I’ll be breaking my fast in 24 hours. Anyone have any experience in cardio-type activity like soccer or basketball at this stage?
I know the benefits for 2 a days can be great in moderation like first half of day leg’s second half of day upper body or first half of day cardio second half weights, etc. but does anyone have any...
I do 8-16 IF, I typically eat between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Most weekdays I do a class at my gym at 9:30 a.m. that is usually a mixture of cardio, weights and abs, or sometimes Zumba. I manage...
Hi guys! I've got a question - so I've been doing a mixture of 16:8/OMAD with an evening meal, for the last 18 months. It has done a good job of controlling my appetite, but I am finding the success...
Been doing OMAD for about 2 months now, lost 20 pounds (had previously lost 10 pounds during a month where I had the energy to work out strength often). Problem is I feel super tired and not myself right now. I've...
But finding it virtually impossible to eat more than about 1200 cals on feeding days, due to eating healthier, more nutritious foods and less crap. How vital is it to eat more calories on feed days?? I don't want to...
I’m not sure if I asked this quesasssion in the title properly but I read somewhere that you burn the most fat once you hit 10 days in? I was planning to do a 4 day this time around but...
I'm planning to start doing rolling 48 hour fasts after new years, and I want to get ready in advance so I can be successful. Would it be easier if I do ADF until New Years? Are there any particular...
I’ve tried to IF a few times but I am still trying to be consistent with it. I can only really do it on my days off. How do you intermittent fast while trying to balance a part-time job, school,...
I’m a teacher, and In the summer when I’m not working I find it a lot easier to go all day without eating (obviously cus I’m not exerting as much energy) but when I work I’m moving around a lot,...
I don't own a car, so I walk twice a day to get to work and get home, usually for an hour each time. Can I do that or should I be doing more extensive workouts? I'm thinking of doing...
Hi everyone, I was wondering if you all could share your thoughts on your eating windows. Usually I eat from 10AM-6PM but I’m not sure how well this is working out for me. I still feel pretty tired and sluggish. I...
So tomorrow I begin my 72 hour fast this will be my first time going without food for 3 days I’m so nervous because I heard you’ll be super weak and tired and all this and I work security in...
Has this ever happened to anybody else? ​ I felt like I needed to constantly chomp on cough drops and take other meds with sugar in them just to function. ​ The kicker is I only started IF maybe 6 or...
I started 16 hour fasting three days ago. I eat between 12 and 8 pm. The first two days were fine but today im seriously dizzy and broke my fast 30 minutes early. I wanna start working out (jogging) but...
Hi all, I've been trying on different fasting regimens and so far my max is 40 hrs. I am interested in trying something longer for the autophagy benefits (as well as the weight loss.) But the refeed portion intimidates me...
I've done one 82 hour fast, one 45 and I'm currently starting another 72. I'm only 16 hours in and I feel great but my speech is really slurred. I've had muscle cramps with the others that I fixed with...
Hi all, 44f/5'6"/128lbs. I'm new to IF and am on day 10. Before that I was restricting calories for a couple of weeks. I'm well versed in CICO due to losing 17lbs by counting calories about 4 years ago....
Are you starting to feel unfocused after lunch or so? How is your focus and concentration abilities during the day as a whole before your meal?
Hey, I recently started 18:6 with my eating window being 12-6. I still have some hot drinks outside of that window, but im working on reducing them and gradually swapping them for green tea and water. My main...
I don't know if I'm looking for advice or commiseration. Feel free to give me what you got! Now that summer is here and covid lockdowns are easing, I'll be spending more time with my mom who is old school...
I'm 25F, 183lbs, 5'5", and currently sliding back and forth between 16:8 and 18:6 depending on the day and my work schedule. I'm about 2 weeks into IF and trying to lose weight, which is doing ok so far, but...
I've been doing HIIT training and recently it fits into my schedule at 7am. Normally I would fast until 9am. Which, OK, so I've been trying to quit eating at 2 to still make the fast during the week and...
I woke up extremely physically weak & dizzy I'm sure this is normal but wondering if anyone else experienced this? when does it get better? I have to take a physical Thursday \(day 5\) for the Air Force and have...
So I'm on week three of counting calories and increasing exercise to try to lose some weight. I'm short so I have to keep calories quite low. Because of this I tend not to eat during the day until around...
I had some food that I was severely trying to restrict myself from. Indulged a tiny bit and stopped. But my body just wanted more! I tried to resist and all my mind could think of was of those food....
i hope this isn't considered an editing disorder but i sometimes find myself binging on sugar! it's so bizare as i'm a pretty good eater outside of it. i'm wondering if anyone can tell me about the mental benefits of...
Not only have i failed my fast, im pretty sure I ate the wrong foods and my stomach hurts bad. Its true what people say about day 3, and i felt so tired and fatigued all day today, school was...
I just finished a 9 day fast to improve my long Covid symptoms and abdominal pain. My re-feed was steamed fish and a bit of yogurt and didn’t seem to cause any issues. However, on the second day I had...
Just for some background, I’m around 40 pounds overweight and have been since puberty. I’ve gained maybe 5-10 pounds since middle school. I’m a senior now. I never did a first before for reasons that would honestly take to long...
Hi it’s me again, just wondering if anyone out there is around 40, female with kids who can share some inspiration that this works, so I can share it with my wife? It’s been a week and a half,...
I've heard that before your period you should take your fasts lightly. But then when it's the best time? Specially for prolonged fasts. Sometimes when I'm on my period I really don't want to eat, I think one time I...
Hey guys, I could really do with some encouraging words and am mostly just posting this for my own accountability. I've attempted IF a few times. The first time doing 18:6 before lockdown with great success in terms of health benefits....
It's only been 2 weeks, I've been doing 18:6. I thought I'd feel like i was starving all the time, it's actually fine. I think of food less, snacking was a huge issue for me, now it's a non issue. I...
So I love intermittent fasting because I can have junk food. I feel like I need very little self discipline for this because during my fasts I know that I can pig out in a couple hours. I don’t mind...
My head feels all clear and fresh and I feel like I can hear sounds better. I don't even fast to lose weight anymore, I just fast for the feeling.
I haven't been eating any sugar for probably 8 months. No cakes, no chocolate. I'm only eating honey, fruit, PB and sometimes fruit jams. So now I saw some healthy recipes but they use dark chocolate. So, does dark chocolate impact...
I just completed my first 5 day fast. I was feeling really good and could have kept going but decided to end it just because the longest I had done prior was only 48 hrs and didnt want to over...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
I'm 39m and started working out again. I started at 222 lbs on the 1st of this year. I'm not to concerned about gaining muscle. I just want to lose fat and work on my getting my strength back. I...
So I started IF (16:8/18:6) about 6 weeks ago and have already lost about 3.5 kg (7 pounds), Reddit recommends doing CICO so I checked it out- my daily calorie requirements are about 1500 to maintain assuming a 300 cal...
I run a plumbing business, I want to try fasting but feel like it would be hard with a physical job, thoughts ?
Question in title. Is it ok to exercise shortly after waking up? Would you be hydrated enough? If you drink right before starting, after being asleep for while and obviously not drinking anything then. Does it take a couple...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
40/m have seen great success with long term fasting. I fell out of it around Feb but successfully had gone from 270 to 200lbs. I am back up to 230 and regret for falling off as far as eating better,...
Guys, how do you do these prolonged fasts 5,10,15,20,30 days ? I mean how ? How you overcome weakness, dizziness and extreme headache ? What's the secret ?
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
Hi guys, I was wondering what the differences if there are any between calorie restriction vs intermittent fasting from ONLY a weight loss perspective. I know there are other benefits to fasting, but if we're strictly talking about weight loss...
New to this sub/IF and have been slowly implementing intermittent fasting techniques over the last month (average of 18:6 most days). Since I started, I've broken a weight plateau, dropped a several pounds, and have generally felt good both physically...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Hey guy so I am 22F (5’2 CW:73kg and GW:58kg). I have been on keto for 2 months now and did IF/ Omad often. I started gym yesterday but my instructor is one of those who doesn’t believe in keto...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Is it bad to eat sugary foods, like chocolate or cake, once a week?
Just for curiousity. Would you persist having headaches or is it quickly life threatning?
I started with a 3 day fast and now doing rolling 48s about 12 days ago I’m happy to say I’m down around 20 pounds , I would fast longer but I’m trying to maintain strength as I powerlift I struggled...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
What's your go-to breakfast for a busy day?
It seems to be common wisdom that having carbs as the main calorie source is important, and while I do share that, I want to understand *why* exactly. I wouldn't want to oversimplify an issue I am not an expert...
Will your cognitive function be affected? How much sugar is too much sugar?
Hi, I am currently on day 7 of what I hope to be a 21 day water fast. I supplement with electrolytes, and honestly feel pretty good. I read up on the science of fasting, and how as your body...
Is it advisable? Any hacks? What to do and what to avoid?
I’m on vacation with my family and each morning I wake up, stretch and have black coffee. They make toast and eggs and bacon. I keep thinking, “why would they eat this early?!” Don’t get me wrong I love eggs...
Starch is usually depicted as the evil of nutrition, 'it's bad for Candida', 'it's bad for infections caused by bacteria', etc., but almost all diets in the world are based on it. In the east lot of rice and soy...
Hey y’all- I posted during my attempt at a 21 day fast. I only made it to Day 19, and I wanted to share my experience since it looks like there’s a wave of people trying EF for the first...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
What is a High protein food, with little to no negative attributes, such as saturated fats? One that can be eaten every day, easily, without any/much prep work. Can be simply taken from the cupboard or fridge and straight to...
Got an exam tomorrow and wondered if there was an optimal food you should eat, regarding cognitive performance, concentration and attention. I heard that walnuts are good for your brain but I havent seen a study for it
For example that even after eating a big, healthy meal, stomach full of it, you still feel like you want to eat something else which is generally considered unhealthy. When we have the feeling that we need to eat something...
I feel a bit like I'm going crazy and maybe it's just weight fluctuations messing with me but it's been very frustrating. I've noticed that on full fasting days, I lose 2lbs per day, though I know it's not all pure...
1.) Only eat real food. No desserts, no chips/Mcdonalds. 2.) No Alcohol 3.) Incline treadmill for 30 min a day if sedentary 4.) Consistent lifting schedule of 6 times a week. Current weight: upper 170’s Goal Weight: 160 Starting today. Who wants to join...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
gf has been fasting - no less than 21 hour fasts, with a 3 hour eating window. and has done multiple 36 hour fasts. this has been going on for at least 2 weeks Her weight has essentially stayed the same....
I fasted and did low carb for about 5 months and lost a lot of weight. Im the next year, i decided to stop smoking and ended up gaining rhe weight back. I decided to try to lose weight again this...
I went from 255 to 140 with keto and IF (usually OMAD with occasional 48h and 72h fasts in between). I'm now maintaining with low-carb and 16:8 IF. That means I skip breakfast and I don't ever snack even in...
I can understand processed meat but normal steak and stuff, like why is it bad? It seems strange to me because to me it feels like that is what our bodies should be used to after being hunters for several...
I watched the game changers documentary and im curious about the plant based diet. Has anyone tried it? If so did any change happen? Was your physical performance better or worse? Im very curious.
If yes, can you share your diet?
Hi, I've been doing IF since Aug with great results. But I'm sluggish in the morning and want to take something similar to '5 Hour Energy' or similar. Stacker2 B12 is calorie free. Wondering if anyone knows if taking this...
I'm eating from 4 till 8pm.my exam is tomorrow on 5 till 8 pm. ,what and how much should I eat to avoid feeling tired mid exam. Cuz normally I feel sluggish and can't concentrate much after eating my 1st...