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It's been 20 days, didn't lose a single pound on Omad. What's wrong?

I’m doing Omad 21-3, going gym everyday empty stomach and come back in late evening and then first meal of my day at dinner time. I’m 169cm / 5’6 Weight is 171lbs / 78kg. Throughout the day my mouth feels very dry, I keep drinking water, going to pee and keep burping whole day. So I’m sure I’m going in ketosis state everyday. But why I didn’t lose a single pound? I still weigh exactly same.

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>going gym everyday

I can only speak for myself, but I never lose weight on a gym day, especially if I lift weights, it seems to put actual fat loss on hold, going every day may very well keep you in a holding pattern.

On omad as you are, the change should be visible even if the scale won’t cooperate.


Be patient, your system will reach a point where your new habit takes hold and change will begin.

I’ve had multiple plateau and drops over the last year without making changes to my 18:6, just keep making your habit


Hmm. What are you eating?

If it’s bread and pasta, that’s a big part of the problem.

How much are you eating?

If you’re still smashing 200+ g of protein and topping it off with a sandwich, then yeah, you won’t go anywhere. 4000 calories is 4000 calories. You can’t outrun a bad diet.

What workouts are you doing? Are you stressing your body too much causing you to rebound with over consumption of food? I did this for a long time frustrated with progress. I had to slow down to break a plateau.


If it’s been a month then it’s a matter of calories. Working out can cause fluctuations in water weight but if it’s been this long then you need to evaluate how many calories you’re eating. If you decide to cut down on cals, keep protein and fat high


Simple, you are eating too many calories during your one meal. What does your diet consist of? Intermittent fasting isnt magic. It’s just another way to calorie restrict. If your OMAD is an entire cake or a ton of fast food or even something healthy but calorie dense, you wont lose weight if the calories in are > calories out.


What all are you eating during these 3 hours a day? Still need to eat in a caloric deficit. Also, like the other response said, measure in other ways too if you are also working out. Do your clothes fit different? Did you take before and after photos? You could be in a recomp.

Are you eating keto? I ask because you said you’re going into ketosis daily, but ketosis doesn’t drive weight loss, eating at a deficit does.


You may be insulin resistant. My suggestion is to cut down on sugar / simple carbs. I have been doing IF for years but have an issue with elevated blood sugar levels when I’m not watching the simple carbs. Once I make an effort to replace sweet stuff and simple carbs with keto based food for a week or two - I notice that I start to lose weight and not want as many simple carbs.


What you eat for that one meal still matters. If you don’t want to count calories (who does?), then I recommend making the very first thing you eat a large salad. That way you can mostly fill up on nutrient-dense, low-calorie greens. Then get some protein and some good fats. Then eat what you want until you feel full. Then immediately start your next fast.

If the first thing you eat is something very calorie dense, then you can eat quite a bit of it and still overshoot your daily caloric burn rate, and thus lose no weight. Pasta and bread can definitely do that. You can eat pasta and bread, but you should top yourself off with that instead of starting with it.


Well.. you need to be mindful of what you eat. I assume you have cut out artificial sweeteners, processed and junk food. Then next step is to focus on getting proteins (plant based are definitely the way to go) and limit your carbs. You should see results even without counting calories. Supplement with multivitamin.Make sure you drink enough water during the entire day. I’m typically between 3-4,5L a day.

If you still don’t see results you might need to count calories to see where it goes wrong.


Are you in a rush? If not, I suggest giving yourself more time. Some of the best sources of IF info I read talk about the body using the fasting period to heal first - then to burn fat. No idea if it’s true but I love the sound of it!If you are keen to see results quickly, maybe try ADF. That is what I would do if I needed to really ramp things up a notch.

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