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New to fasting - long term approach

Hi all,

I’ve been doing fasting 16:8 (eating from 1pm to 9pm) for a couple of weeks now and I didn’t find it particularly difficult, maybe just sleeping has been a bit troublesome. Been going to the gym as before in the morning in the middle of fasting and that’s also not been a problem so far.

My main motivation for fasting is not weight loss but actually increase health span and generally have a more healthy life, specifically what made me start was a podcast interview with Mark Mattson when he started to talk about autophagy and how to leverage those mechanisms in the body.

Having said that, I have few questions that are around on how to make fasting a long term sustainable approach:

- how many exceptions are allowed? for example, specifically during the weekend it can happen that I can only stop eating around 9:30/10pm but I’m not trying to be stressed about that, is that kind of ok?

- been using couple of apps for tracking (Fastic & FastingTraacker on Android) and they made me realise that autophagy doesn’t really happen in 16:8 but you need more than that. So I’m thinking to continue doing 16:8 for at least a couple of months and then maybe introduce one day where I start eating later (4pm or 5pm) and move that later and later until I basically fast an entire day. Does that approach make sense?

- how do you approach travelling? I have a couple of holidays coming up and I feel that’s where the struggle may come when you are out all day with partner and friends and follow the schedule can be hard. Do you take pause from fasting? how easy is to switch back and forth? essentially can an holiday be seen as a 1/2 weeks pause from fasting and then go back to it?


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You can wider your eating window during the weekend. The main point is not to eat 2 to 3 hours before going to sleep. I suspect that during the weekend you are going to bed a little later than during the week and this should not be a problem for you. Your long-term approach seems very sensible. You can schedule it, but it will also sort of heppen. I originally planned a much wider eating window, but somewhat I’m doing 20/4, 19/5.When you are travelling or celebrating, the good thing is to go into maintenance mode, meaning you eat not to lose but not to gain weight. Your TDEE. Keep fasting but wider your eating window. If that’s impossible, people do exceptions, have cheat days, and break the fast. For some, it’s difficult to come back on IF path. For some, it’s just a blip on their journey. Good luck!


Make sense, give it a try. And try it more often until it becomes normal.

I’ve already been fasting 16:8-18:6 for years. It just becomes a life style. I’m more lax during the weekends or social events because it often revolves around food and I want to participate. If there aren’t any events going on, it’s fasting as usual.

I really fell off the wagon during covid and gained weight back and a little extra and decided to get back on the train. Started with OMAD in December (one meal a day) for weight loss and autophagy and it’s been going great. I’m lighter and my clothes fit so much better. I’m more focused, have more time, and am sleeping better.

I’m implementing the same “rule” for myself when I fasted precovid, to relax my fasting for the occasional social events and not feel guilty about it. It’s the same for trips for me. I also have one coming up in the spring. I’m not going to spend all that money and time off from work to restrict myself. If I can do OMAD during travel, great I will. If not, just relax. Once I get home it’ll be back to business as usual.

It took time to gain all that weight, a few relaxed days here and there isn’t going to reverse it. I think it helps more psychologically at least for me. “You don’t need to have the chips now, just wait until you can cheat and have it then.” And ofc I totally forget about that promise to myself and eat something healthier and higher quality 😉


I track S-T, Fri/Sat I don’t eat till 12, no cut off, no calorie tracking. Sunday I just don’t eat till I have my 18hrs in, so they depends on what happened Saturday. Like today 8 may make it till 4 (out lye last night), but if not, won’t stress. I lost 60lbs in in 6ish months following this, and have kept it for 2 years maintaince just upping my calories

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