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Nutrition confusion on the web

Hey! I’ve been reading a lot about nutritional science since around past 6 months and the content on the internet are not the same anywhere. I don’t know who to trust, what to trust. There are people with millions of followers who sound biased towards a certain type of diet and some oppose them.

Can anyone suggest some content with complete information and not just bits and pieces that overlap with each other?

(Some books or maybe blogs or genuine YouTube channels would help)

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I like credible sources like OSU’s Center for Micronutrient Research rather than following individuals, who are often selling books or trying to gain attention.

That said, Joanne Larsen at Dietitian.com follows the science.


As a general rule, those that advocate for a specific diet are biased and you should not believe everything they say.

Those they do not push for a diet tend to be less biased and they probably have better things to say, especially if they regularly support claims with evidence.

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