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Weekly 72hr fast

So, I have been doing IF for a few years now. I was really successful with OMAD for a while but fell off. I want to get back down in weight and was looking at 72hr fast (Sun evening to Wed evening) weekly for about 8 weeks and see how I feel.

On my eating days I will watch my CARBs trying to stay about 100g or less a day.

Curious if anyone has done this protocol and if so what results did you see.

Also, curious about other’s thoughts on this.

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Weekly 72s are doable and also quite aggressive. If you follow a slight caloric deficit, keto diet the rest of the time, you can and will drop a lot of fat very rapidly.

The cortisol response can become disruptive this way, especially if that starts to cause insomnia.

For people who are very obese, this is much more sustainable. The leaner you are, the more problematic it will be.

Most people, even at a low body fat, can sustain weekly 48s, OMAD all week, at maintenance or a slight caloric deficit between fasts.

Too aggressive fasting can also lead to a higher chance of rebound overeating, especially if you push through insomnia for a while.

Good luck!



I am on week 13 of fasting every monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursdays! I only eat on fridays, saturdays and sundays. For me the mindset was to set up this regime for my entire life or at least a full year. Not for weight loss, but for mental health and physical health. I think aiming for mental health and physical health, might be a more healthy way of looking at fasting rather than purely for weight loss. This way you can set up a regime that you can have as a ‘core’ for your entire life, also hopefully preventing gaining weight back.

As said, I am not focused on weight loss. Have been eating unrestricted during weekends and I lose about 1.5 - 2 lbs per week.

Kind regards,Sara


Kinda in a similar place as you are. Can’t comment on the 72s but here’s what’s been working great for me.

It probably feels like everything is over the place, but been 3 weeks with a 6 kg weight loss and feels super sustainable with a strenuous work schedule.

The point being, it should work for you without making you feel too stressed out or making you dream about food all the time. I found it easier to tame my brain about food this way! I love pastries and trying a pastry on Saturday would make my mouth hate itself for the sugar rush. You feel the difference and your brain adapts.

All the best to you!


OMAD everyday isn’t sustainable. Your metabolism will slow down. You should do something more spontaneous. You could do OMAD for a month, then do keto during the week mixed with 2 OMAD days and 1 carb day. Make the OMAD days different each month. Sometimes do three carb days in a row and start over. Then do extended fast and followed by whatever. You keep your body guessing so you create more mitochondria and utilize energy more efficiently.


I actually planing to do the same (kinda). I’m currently working my way up to only eating on weekends.

So 5 Days of fasting every week. But I don’t know if it is to extreme, or even dangerous. I can’t find good information about that in the internet.

Thats why I joined this reddit :D

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