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What’s your meal plan and time looks like?

I’m just eating salad everyday at 1900. If I get hungry during my 8 hours, I grab some almonds. But would like to know what’s your meal plan and at what time you eat them.

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I skip breakfast, eat lunch around 11:00, then eat dinner around 4:30-6:00. Most weekdays are early dinner because our kiddos have activities in the evenings, so that helps keep my window down.

Type of food, I think the hardest for me has been cutting out snacking carbs (e.g., chips) because I binge eat them from stress. It took a long time to cut them and it was easier once I dealt with the stress inducers in my life.

With kids and a family of 4, it’s hard to make healthy food that the whole family will actually eat, plus I don’t want to and don’t have time to make separate meals. It’s not perfect, but we subscribed to Hellofresh and tried to pick out the healthier recipes, then saved the cards to make again later. There are healthier options, but it’s the easiest for our situation. Then I just eat the leftovers for lunch the next day.

My hope is that I’m more likely to stick with healthier options if I don’t go to the extreme. Before I was eating nothing but heavy meals, heavy in calories, heavy carbs, low amount of veggies. Now I’m eating way more veggies, moderate calories, lower but not completely cutting carbs.


I skip breakfast (usually) and eat an early lunch (1100 to 1130) and late supper (around 1800 or so).

This is what I’ve been eating since January:

Lately for my main lunch entrée I’ve been eating tomato slices with tuna on top. (I do put a bit of mayo in the tuna.) It’s quite good, and it fills the hunger.


2 coffees in the morning with a splash of sugar free almond milk

Lunch at 12 (like right on the dot lol) - salad, crackers w/cream cheese, frozen blueberries & greek yogurt
3PM protein shake (ice coffee/chocolate protein powder/almond milk/sea salt), watermelon or pineapple & a granola bar (currently Kashi Quinoa)
5:30 Dinner Scrambled eggs & toast and then a piece of fudge

I’m boring, I eat this almost every day. Fridays I change it up (usually take out, don’t eat till after 12, no cut off), and Saturdays same lunch, but a bagel instead of the crackers, then we normally go out for dinner so no cut off. Sunday to Thur is the same though

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