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Will hydralyte break my fast / reduce the benefits?


I’m 60h into a 72h fast to cleanse / reset my body after 3 months of travel. I’ve also started exercising, so to manage electrolytes I reached into the medicine cupboard for some hydralyte I have left over from when I was ill a few months ago.

Turns out the one satchel I consume per day contains \~3g of glucose.

bangs head against wall

I feel like such an idiot for not looking carefully enough… Is a mere 3g of sugar per day really enough to stave off ketosis and all the other benefits (autophagy) of a >24h fast? Have I ruined my 72h fast?

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Dont worry about it. Autophagy isn’t an on-off switch. you might’ve turned down the dimmer switch by like a centimeter. I’ve read it takes about 10 grams of protein or glucose to down-regulate autophagy by a substantial amount.

If you want to substantially up-regulate autophagy, throw in some moderate exercise. Exercise increases AMPK, which decreases mTOR, which increases Autophagy. Google that stuff, it’s really interesting to read about.

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Categories: electrolytes glucose sugar ketosis