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90 days left in 2022!

We have reached the final quarter!

I’d love to know how much weight do you want to lose and what fasting routine do you plan on doing to achieve it?

I (5’2 F, sedentary) am planning to do rolling 72s to lose 30 - 40 pounds by the end of the year. Do you think it’s possible?

Let’s do this!

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I’m at 164 or so right now, and would like to get down to 140, if not 130 (also F, also sedentary, 5’3”).

The past week included 1 46-hour fast plus a couple days of OMAD (which helped shed 5-8 pounds of water weight, I reckon). I’m basically planning to do OMAD for most workdays in October with a 24-48 hour fast thrown in somewhere, or longer if I can convince myself to go for it.

At the end of October, I think I’ll come back to this post to take stock of how it went, and re-calibrate November/December if necessary.

RemindMe! One month


I want to drop 15 kgs in order to save my life , Doctor has suggested or else I will die .Sometimes I can’t keep up with my goals . I have only reduce 8 kg in 5 months .I weight 85 now, GW is 70 by year end


I think it’s absolutely possible to be in that range. 40 may be a challenge at your height, but 30+ depending on how strict you are for sure.

I’ve just restarted my rolling fast schedule after taking a week off (I was on schedule for 10 weeks before that, lost over 35 pounds so far).

I’ve added a tremendous amount of walking since then (steps challenge at work) and I plan to lose 25 more pounds to hit my goal before mid November. 6.5 weeks left, it’s gonna be a challenge for sure, but I’m already happy where my body is now and I’ll ramp up the effort as needed.


I’m currently refeeding from a 21-day fast. It’s my second round of 21 days fasted/7 days to refeed.

My goal is to get another 2-3 21-day cycles in before year’s end.

Working on dropping weight to recalibrate my daily insulin needs.

I’m not sure what that will be in terms of pounds. Whatever it takes to get my HbA1c between 5.0-5.5.

The more I fast the easier it gets.

Good luck, everyone!


Mixing in even moderate exercise while doing regular fasting will net this weight loss. I’m talking like a long walk each day if you only want to do that. These extreme fasts aren’t the most balanced way IMO.


40F, 5’4”, SW 180 lbs, CW ~135, GW 120.

I’ve already lost about 45 pounds (over 500 days of mostly OMAD, no calorie counting). I’m in a normal BMI range, within 15 pounds of my theoretical goal weight. Those last few pounds are sheer vanity, and I don’t feel like I need to lose them by end of year. Instead, I want to start doing weight training to build muscle. I think that will do more to change the way my body looks. And it will definitely do more to improve my health.

I’m going to continue doing OMAD because I feel physically good. My body seems to like this schedule. And I like that it lets me eat dinner without worrying about calorie counting.

I’ll likely maintain on OMAD, especially with flex days where I shorten my fast to meet friends/family for special meals. If I do find myself losing too much weight on OMAD, I’ll start widening my eating window.

TBH, it really helped me not to make my goal “Lose X pounds by Y date.” That way I didn’t feel rushed, pressured, stressed — or demoralized if I didn’t make the goal. Instead my goal was/is just “Do OMAD and log my fasts every day.”


5’7” CW: 246 GW:200

I really want to hit 200 before the year ends. I have been fasting without really counting hours and refeeding on sardines and pickles.

I was 255 last week. I know the beginning is water weight, but I think I can get there.


I’m 5’4 F and honestly I don’t have a number in mind. I plan to keep doing ADF until at least Nov 17 (after that I’m going to stay with my in-laws for three months) and then probably OMAD with a day, or hopefully two, per week of fasting if I don’t reach my goal weight by then. If I do, I’ll just stick to 2-MAD with perhaps one 36h fast a week for maintenance. I have 15-25 lbs to lose so hopefully I’ll be done by the end of the year but we’ll see, I guess.


5’1”F CW: 152 GW:125Rolling 72s is a bit ambitious for me but I know I can do solid rolling 42s with an occasional 66. I’m still working up to the longer fasts. I have an exceptionally difficult time losing weight as a post-menopausal hypothyroid woman with wrecked metabolism, so I’m merely hoping to maintain 1lb a week. We will see how it goes! My primary doctor referred me to a colleague who specializes in weight loss for people with metabolic issues, who supports fasting, but he can’t see me until the end of February. Let’s hope I’ve solved my own problem by then.


My goal is to fall 30 lbs so I’ll be under 200. I do OMAD or rolling 24h fasts as well as lots of walking. I’m currently losing slightly over half a pound a day but I expect that to slow down with my continued weight loss & the holidays coming up.

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