| | Water Fasting

Am I doing something wrong?

Just recently started IF aiming towards 16:8. There have been two times where I stretched it out till 17- 18 hours. Otherwise, I feel like I’m starving the whole time. That’s with drinking water, eating enough in my window (healthy fats, proteins, veggies etc) but yet I still feel crappy and hungry during my fasting window.

I cannot fathom reaching past 16 when it’s a struggle making it there. Is this normal? Will my body adapt?

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I started IF a month ago yesterday. All I could do the first week was 15:9 by 2nd week I was getting 16:8 with some issue. And now for the last 8 days I’ve gotten at least 17:7 with mostly no issue. I don’t really think there is much long term benefit to doing super long fasts, so I’ll stick with 17:7 with one longer fast on the weekend.


16 was really hard for me for a long time. These days I find myself stretching to 20 or 22 most days.

Each day is different. I have a minimum of 16 that I want to hit. My goal is 18. If I’m feeling good I’ll go longer.


How long have you been doing it? And what was your diet like before you started? A previous reliance on carbs will make it pretty horrible starting out.

Keep at it with the good diet you’ve got going at the moment. It takes a little bit for your body to switch to

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Categories: struggle carbs