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Any tips on coming down from a fast?

So I’ve been doing 24, 36 and 46hr fasts. I can handle 24 pretty easily. The 36 and 46hrs tho, those take a toll when I finally come off them. I tend to stuff my face and over eat within the first hour of stopping my fast. Any tips on how to avoid over eating and slowly come down?

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I like making a big pot of veggie soup with chicken broth and water, could throw in some chicken in there too. Then I just drink only the soup the night I break my fast. Next morning I drink more soup and start eating it with the a little bit of veggies a couple hours later, if theres chicken, a little bit a couple hours after that. This is usually for a 5-7 day fast though, if youre breaking at 2-3 you dont really need to take it as slow as this or even do this. Id recommend not eating carbs right away. You could drink some chicken broth and water, then eat some eggs and veggies. Then some protein. But honestly if you dont binge (especially junk food) youll be fine on the refeed on a 2 day.


I have found that starting with a small snack of, say, mixed nuts, then waiting around a hour to eat a meal helps to not binge on the meal. I did read about it somewhere and it works for me. The snack helps me feel satisfied enough to not binge.


Plan the meal ahead, best be to prepare it in advance, definitely don’t prepare it while having a bite here and there, that usually started me and the meal I made was way too huge then :D


And take your time eating, I found that ending a 48-72h fast was best for me with a steak and some sauted veggies.


Ha. No, I am thinking ‘elimination diet’. Ideally, you would start with the safest, most-innocuos, least-irritating food Rice? idk. You would gradually add different kinds of foods ( and riskier foods ) to your diet until you find one ( or some ) which are particularly problematic ( bloating, weight gain, gas, hemolytic anemia, etc. ) You tnen cut that food out of your diet, and have less need to fast next time.

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