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apparently oil is healthy but frying is bad. how do you reconcile that?

For a long time I thought oil is bad for us and should be avoided. After that it became that olive oil is good for us and rather than minimizing the amount of oil we use we should be quite liberal with it.

But fried food is bad and should be avoided as much as possible.

I’m guessing that’s a different type of oil. But I suspect it’s not just the type of oil that’s the issue, there’s some other problem.

Can someone explain this?

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Fried food isn’t inherently bad for you. It becomes bad because it’s high in calories, very high in oil, and is easy to over eat. The calories and oil aren’t inherently bad for you, but since fried food is so easy to over eat it means you’re consuming huge amounts of them in one sitting. Overeating anything, even healthy oil, is bad for you. And consuming huge amounts of calories can lead to weight struggles, stomach aches, etc. Plus, many fried foods aren’t high in protein or fiber so you might feel full now but you’ll probably be hungry again sooner then if you ate something high in fiber and protein (like a salad with chicken in it). You can definitely have fast food, it’s not going to kill you or hurt you. But it would be very unhealthy to eat that many calories and fats/oils on a super regular basis, like more then 3 times a week (at most, personally I feel like crap physically if I eat it more then once a week). Plus, fried foods are usually lacking in many of the essential vitamins and minerals we need. So when we fill up on fast food we’re not leaving room for those things, which if done regularly can lead to deficiencies that can make us feel like crap or make us actually sick. Many vitamin deficiencies can literally cause hospitalization or death when they become serious enough, and even in less severe cases they can cause any number of other annoying, painful, or stressful symptoms. Plus, some oils and fats are better then others. Look into the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats.


Typically things that are fried are going to be a lot higher calorie, also because of the amount of oil needed they tend to use the cheapest lowest quality oils for frying. Additionally think about how long oil will be under constant heat in a fryer im not too educated on the matter but I believe that the heat will cause it to degrade and potentially become carcinogenic


The same way as barley, rye and wheat are healthy but whisky is bad :)

This may explain why its bad: Hydrogenation also transpires when oils are heated to high temperatures – like during the frying process. Trans fats are tough for your body to break down and lead to harmful effects on your health, such as an increased risk for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and some types of cancer.


I touched the surface of this topic in organic chemistry. When unsaturated fat is heated, it is turned into a trans fat. This is not a term rooted in nutrition. It is a chemistry-based term that describes the location of hydrogens attached to carbons across a double bond. I can’t go much beyond that because I don’t have time to look up peer-reviewed sources at the moment. All I can tell you is that this chemical “turning” of a cis fat into a trans fat when heated is the cause of the problems later to be discovered :)


Our cell walls are made of fat. If you cook with fat that isn’t stable at the temperature you’re cooking with then you are building your cell walls with unstable fat. Free radicals bust into your cells with ease. This is why you should use high quality oil and select it based on the type of cooking you’re doing. Fat is also a far better fuel than sugar and carbs. Like putting a hefty log on a fire instead of dry grass. It burns slower and smoother lasting longer. You’ve been lied to about fat. Think about this: most all candy is largely nonfat or low fat but is eating all candy an effective diet?


I’ve seen some scientific papers that being just one claiming that the myth that fried foods are bad for your health or at least heart health is a lie and that it’s actively beneficial when done in claimed heart-healthy oils. Soybean oil in this context.

I don’t entirely buy frying in soybean oil, but it makes sense that frying itself isn’t inherently bad for things such as cardiovascular health unlike how fried foods are often accused of interfering with and it’s mainly just a no-brainer “common sense” thing people bring up, as in they literally don’t use their brain. Main effect is added calories and fats though. Should be avoided because of that alone.

I wouldn’t be liberal with oil though as you put it. Too much dietary fat especially in the context of being mixed with carbohydrate consumption is a cause for insulin resistance. If you want the benefits of olive oil you can eat plain olives too.


Oil is the highest caloric food there is, also fat calories are more in grams than carbs and protein. Fats are 9 calories per gram, carbs and protein are 4 calories per gram. Most foods also have breading on them when fried, so that’s even more calories added. So I’m assuming it’s more calorie intake because of the fat content from the oil. You also have to fuel your body with the right foods, you can’t have doughnuts all day, sure there is a keto diet out there and has good research or helps some and not others but you need whole food sources and in my opinion, a variety of foods, like greens daily and fibrous foods to help with digestion. Sorry Im starting to bodybuild soon and nutrition is quite complex, you definitely learn a lot more than the average citizen! Hopefully all of my information is correct. Have a good day, hope it helped.


Oils used for frying are vegetable oils like soybean and canola oil. The healthiest fats in my opinion are olive avocado coconut oil and butter, vegetable oils are pretty unnatural for human consumption because those vegetables have very little fat naturally, so I prefer to avoid them. Be liberal with healthy fats but you can use an air fryer for fried foods, it tastes even better to me


Seed oils ARE bad for you. We should only be eating olive oil, avocado oil, or animal fats. Canola, Soybean, 🌻, Safflower, Vegetable oils are completely toxic causing inflammation and cancer causing free radicals.

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