Does anyone have an explanation for why the amount of protein in canned tuna can vary so much between flavours, even within the same brand?
For example, here in Australia you can get Coles brand tuna in 95g cans in multiple different flavours. I have a can of Coles Tuna Chunks In Springwater 95g and a can of Coles Tuna Smoke Flavour 95g. Both of them list their serving size as 95g, yet the springwater one has 24.2g of protein and the smoke one has 18.8g of protein. Both cans have Skipjack Tuna (katsuwonus pelamis) listed at 70% in the ingredients list.
The solutions/oil shouldn’t change the protein content. Food labels have large margins of error. I checked a couple of US brands and the protein didn’t vary that much. The fat calories jumped but not the protein.