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Does anyone else find watching shows like "My 600lb Life" to be helpful during fasting?

I’ve noticed that anytime I’m struggling not to break my fast early, watching a show like My 600lb Life or 1000lb Sisters, causes my desire to eat to pretty much disappear.

I think seeing people struggle so much in their daily lives due to their weight, reminds me why I’m doing this. I don’t want to struggle like that. Seeing them going shopping and buying all of the same junk food that I used to eat, makes me want to continue to eat healthier.

I find it very helpful in fighting my cravings and it also motivates me to eat better and exercise more.

Does anyone else do this?

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I rewatch old Anna Richardson shows sometimes, like secret eaters, my big fat diet show, supersize vs superskinny.

Edit: u/No_Chair3429, same! Secret eaters made me realize I was a secret eater, it is my favorite one because of it!


Nope, cause then I justify to myself its ok to have X cause I’ve lost so much and it won’t matter. Same reason I can’t watch hoarders, I’m like “Well my house isn’t that bad, I don’t need to put the laundry away today!” lol


It definitely helps me particularly when they show their eating habits. It’s like a appetite suppressant for me. I also find my motivation watching YouTube videos of people gorging themselves with food.


100%! Well, not for fasting specifically. But for fitness motivation in general. 1,000 lbs sisters got me hooked. It’s trashy AF, but then I got sucked in to the one sister’s success story where she’s finally accomplishing her dreams of having a family and whatnot. I’m not even overweight anymore, but all I want is to have a family of my own. So it became kinda heartfelt.


Just checking a YouTube video of it out. The only thing I can think is how does this guy get the money to order all that food, and afford rent and utilities, while never leaving the house. Guy must be ordering hundreds of dollars of food a day.


So I’m a nurse, I’ve been an ER nurse and am currently an ICU nurse. Not all, but many of the patients I’ve had have so many medical difficulties and a lot of them are often related to obesity and diabetes. 99% of the time it’s diabetes type 2, and I’ve seen the ugly results of uncontrolled diabetes and uncontrolled obesity. It’s so so sad and I feel so bad for them, because by the time I see them it’s often too late to reverse those issues :(

It’s scared me into being healthy honestly


I can’t watch that show, I move quickly between pity and extreme anger watching shows like that…

This move from everyone needs to maintain a healthy BMI to the healthy at any size garbage drives me crazy. They’re NOT healthy, they’re NOT happy. You don’t eat yourself that size with healthy mind.


I’ve watched a few of the 600lb life, what stands out is the reasoning and unhealthy family dynamics.

I watched Robert Lustig’s Sugar: the bitter truth YouTube lecture. One thing that really stood out to me, was him talking about children that he sees as an endocrinologist. He said most parents don’t bring their children until the children can’t bend over to toe their shoe laces due to excess weight AND NOW it’s inconveniencing the parents. That has stayed with me.

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