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Dry fasting 51 hrs completed

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I don’t know why I couldn’t put my main post, but here is my experience after completing a 51 hr soft dry fast. I am 39 yo F, 5’3 SW:196 lbs CW:190. First off, I have been doing fasts for probably the past 20 years on and off. My first fast was a 10 day Master cleanse and I got so much gunk out, but since then it has been a a struggle to do more than a couple of days of Master cleanse, and more than 4 days of a water fast. A month ago I started the snake juice cleanse which made fasting so much easier than the master cleanse (no more smooth move tea, saltwater flushes) and better than the regular water fast (no more leg cramps). Day one between 12 hrs and 24 hrs I experienced nasal drainage, pain in my neck and side of my ear that was on the left side of my head. Mind you I have been struggling the past couple of months with sinus and allergies. Nausea was present and I begin to experience a radiating headache with a heightened sense of smell. The smell of pizza made me sick to a point of gagging. My left hand had a weird pounding pain, I believe in reflexology so when I looked up the area it was related to my heart and lungs. I am a smoker (no cigarettes), and I have high cholesterol and problems with my heartrate going up randomly, I have been tested and my heart looked good but the specialist wanted to experiment with blood pressure pills which I declined. Anyway this weird pain made me think that that was accurate. During my fast I had no urge to eat or drink! Which really surprised me. I didnt shower but I took a hoe bath and make sure the major areas were extra clean in order to take in as little water as possible. Bu the next day, around the same time of my first neck and ear pain, I begin to have the same pain on the right side of my head, a little nasal drip and headache, but less severe. Why I broke my fast: starting on the 3rd day I woke with a weird very strong pain in my throat like something was stuck in it. Almost like a scratchy burn. Swallowing seemed to make the pain worse so I drank water in desperation for relief. After a few minutes it subside but within a few hours it began again only worse. I started to panic a little, and drunk water (small amounts because it was hard to swallow). It again subsided and came back a few hrs later, by then I was home and tried gargling with ACV. I ended up breaking my fast with biltong and apples.After the fast: I tried eating chocolate and the taste was off, the thought of eating any makes me nauseous, which I see as a good thing due to my extreme sugar/chocolate addiction. I also don’t have a taste for snacks such as cheese Ritz which are again, my favorites. I do crave apples and I don’t feel like I’m starving when it is time to eat. I plan to do a 5 day dry fast in couple days a long with some whole body vibration to see if that will help the process as I haven’t exercised in a while and when I did it was sparse. Mentally I seem to be more aware and have better appreciation of things, I also have more energy and have the urge to clean more than normal. My goal is to lose weight, heal this rash that never completely goes away on my arms, heal a chalazion that appeared on the inside my eyelid during a period of heightened stress and prolonged sinus infection, lower my cholesterol and to feel more energetic and mindful.

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