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Fasting and Breastfeeding

For those who fast and breastfeed, how has that worked for you? Do you feel like it affected your supply? Did it make you more tired? How were your hunger levels?

I used to fast regularly before I got pregnant with my son. I miss it and would like to get back to fasting, but I don’t want to ruin my milk supply. I haven’t lost any weight and I think going back to fasting may help, as I’ve been more hungry now than I ever was while pregnant. I would just like to hear how it has been for other people.

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Wait to lose weight when you are finished breastfeeding or starting to wean. The health of your and your baby are much more important than losing the baby weight. And you may find after several months that your body is gradually dropping the weight.


I’m currently breastfeeding and have just started 16:8 but my girl is 16 months old so not teeny tiny and reliant on my milk and the nutrition and really we only feed because it’s hers and my special time now.

If your little one is not on solids I wouldn’t attempt fasting right now and I would suggest speaking with your gp or as someone else has mentioned, a lactation consultant.


I would ease into fasting if you’re going to do it while breastfeeding. You don’t want to wreck your supply just to lose a few pounds. I lost 30 pounds while breastfeeding my 2nd child. I think he was 9 or 10 months old when I started and I only fasted for 14-16 hours, a few times up to 18 hours, but never longer. Drink lots of water and eat if you’re really hungry - that’s really important. Also, I’ve always held onto some weight while breastfeeding. If you have a stubborn 10-15 pounds, you may not be able to lose it until you’ve weaned.

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