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Intermittent fasting while breastfeeding and previously while trying to conceive

I just wanted to provide my experience doing IF these last 3 1/2 weeks while breastfeeding for any other moms wondering if it will affect their supply. I tried cutting down on my calories 3-4 months post-partum and within 2-3 days, it was cutting into my supply so I stopped. I’m now 6-61/2 months post-partum and have been doing IF with no effect on my supply. I don’t do a true fast as I have a scoop of protein in my coffee in the morning that I drink over the course of several hours. I then don’t eat until I get home from work 5-6. I don’t know my caloric intact but I am definitely in a deficit and have been seeing consistent fat loss.

I did this same type of fasting, for almost year and only stopped when I found out I was pregnant with my second. Mommy got her abs back last time doing IF :) I also had zero issues getting pregnant while doing this. We were blessed and I got pregnant the first time with both my kids and I was doing IF when I got pregnant with my second so no change in my fertility.

I also have a much healthier attitude towards food doing IF than I did when I did CICO alone. I feel like I have food freedom instead of having to plan out in advance when I’m going to have a “cheat” meal (i.e. I would try to eat less during the day if I was going to have pizza or go out to eat for dinner….sounds fine…but I would stress out a bit when my husband asked me to do that without advanced notice).

To add: I’m 37F, I was probably 160ish at 68” but since I am post-partum, I didn’t and am not weighing myself until I feel more comfortable with how I look and I don’t want to get discouraged if it’s not moving as fast as I’d like as I don’t want to feel pressure to restrict more while breastfeeding.

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I’m trying IF while breastfeeding my 3rd. I do a 18/6 with my eating window from 11-5. I had a healthy supply all 3 babies , but I’m watching very closely. I’m 3 months PP, but started to gain after I initially lost initial water / labor weight .

I haven’t been counting calories but really watching types of foods I’m eating to keep my nutrition up, 2 meals a day of lean proteins, raw diet and vitamins and drinking lots of water to help supply.

Thank you for posting this because I’ve been concerned about my supply . So far I’m good but I’m only 4 days in but I’m down 8lbs in water weight so far.

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