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Fasting to cure mono/ post viral illness?

I have just dealt with long covid for nearly 3 years, destroyed me mentally and physically. I recently started to feel really good again for the last few months (JUST JOINED A GYM! 2.5 years no exercise) and low and behold this last few weeks crashing down once again but different from relapses in the past so I have just gone to the doctors with what I assumed was a new covid infection but they’re suspicious it may be mono… I feel like shit but moreover the concept of another lengthy illness is giving me insane PTSD… I want to try to do a 3 day fast to clear out my system but has anyone got any tips for me? am I insane?


ANYONE FASTED MONO/ CFS/ POST VIRAL INFECTION OUT? I cant be sick anymore I’ve lost my whole twenties to chronic fatigue and Long covid bs

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I’d recommend cutting out carbs first, it helped me with my long covid tinnitus and fatigue.. my body was stuck in fight or flight mode from covid.. I was always exhausted, my muscles ached and at times I couldn’t think clearly.. my body was under a tremendous amount of stress for no reason.. so I decided to change my eating habits, find supplements to cleanse my blood and liver, reset my insulin levels.. then after 3 months of being mostly carb free, with eating fish a few times a week and salads, I moved to 16/8 fasting, then after a month of that I did a 24 hour fast and a month after that I did a 48 hour fast.. I upped my vitamin d to 6000 units a day liquid, no pill and take pine bark extract, garlic supplements and daffodil liquid twice a day, along with daffodil tea.. I also drink beet juice twice a week.. my long covid symptoms are gone and I feel like myself again.. I now do 16/8 daily, with a 48 hour fast every 45 days.. I don’t eat refined carbs anymore or sugar.. mostly meat, fish and poultry only with salads and cauliflower rice, avocado or beans.. I’ll use a wheat wrap if I want a sandwich now… also look into binaural beats to meditate, it will help you reset your mind and nervous system, it will help with your ptsd, while the fasting resets your body and immune system..


Not advice but shortly after I got Covid the first time, I was also diagnosed with mono. Ran a fever for close to two months off and on. A bunch of other symptoms and complications that led to an ER visit.


Update guys!!!41 hours in to my 3 day fast could use any motivational support because I’m having lots of intrusive thoughts trying to convince me to eat but staying strong because a lot of my symptoms have subsided!! Noticing a huge difference in my inflammation symptoms like glands and stomach as well as less overall uneasiness, definitely think it’s helping!! I am getting weird dreams and night sweats but my day is wayyy better


It’s possible that exercising again could have caused the crash. There’s a lot of stuff about post exertional malaise and how with long covid, pushing yourself is the last thing you should do. (Anecdotally, I’ve heard fasting can help, but ymmv) https://mecfssa.org.au/resources/pacing

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