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Dry fasting post Covid, and to cure possible oestrogen deficit/lichen vulvar disease.

Hello. I just recovered from Covid last week. I am unvaccinated and obese. The symptoms were mild. I am, however, suffering from extremely dry, itchy vulvar tissue. This has never happened before. I am not sure if I am oestrogen deficit or suffering from lichen. The discharge is very less as well. I was wondering if dry fasting or fasting in general will help me overcome these issues. And if dry fasting is safe post-Covid for an unvaccinated person. Thank you.

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As long as you up your electrolytes (by a lot, magnesium, potassium and sodium, throw some baking soda in there for your kidneys too!) you should be good.

I suggest intermittent dry fasting until you feel better, it helped me immensely! I’m also female and struggled hormonally, mine resulted in horrible brain fog, acne and low libido.

I dry fasted, supped Zinc, Super B vitamin plus (which has every B vitamin in it) 5000 IU D3, mega doses of C, magnesium, potassium and sodium and I started to feel better in 5 days.With vaginal itching that’s typically diet, so pull out all sugar, grains, fruits, low fat dairy and eat only veggies, meats (if you eat meat!) And high healthy fats, so coconut oil, lard, butter and no fake fats, no canola, no seed oils, no soy oils, no fast food or processed food no boxed food period.Do strict keto or carnivore or plant based without grains, fruit or any sugar and you’ll heal fast.For anything vaginal related I always use garlic and d-mannose.You can actually insert a peeled clove of garlic vaginally, and all itching will fade within 15 mins-1 hour as garlic makes mucous membranes weep and it’ll clean the yeast right out of you.After eating cleanly, I stopped having any vaginal issues at all, but I used to get a ton of yeast infections and kidney infections when I was vegan and I used garlic to heal them fast. I so hope you feel better soon! It’s miserable to hurt like this, from one lady to another I send you hugs, solidarity and a decent night’s sleep hopefully very soon!

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