Does anyone know or have experience with dry fasting getting rid of a giant cell tumor. It is in my hand and not likely cancerous per the surgeon who wants to schedule a surgery to remove it. I would like to fast to get rid of it instead if it is possible.
I would encourage you to try. Probably best would be surgical excision combined with dry fasting for healing and autophagy. Just avoid chemo! Dry fasting is a natural chemo. In my experience dry fasting has permanently shrunk my skin tags, hemmorhoids, and cured my fungal scalp dandruff.
I want to say congratulations for reaching out and looking for alternatives, very brave to go against the grain. I suggest completely sending it and if you can take a week off from work and to just fast. See what happens if it works then congratulations you have a new founded super weapon at your hands, if not get it removed. Always better to do something 100%. One or two day fasting “might” not be enough as I have never been in the position but you never know. Wish you a speedy recovery
Alternate between dry fasting and grapes (or fruit.. grapes are more aggressive for detox). The tumor will either come right through your skin (skin will get itch and break open to allow for the growth to leave the body) or slowly breakdown and get eliminated through your kidneys and lymph. (assuming your kindeys are filtering and you dont have chronic lymph stagnation)