| | Water Fasting

Good youtube, or podcast to listen to for dieting info.

Asking for my mother.. sorry. Haha

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For decent evidence-based listening:


Youtube- Biolayne (Layne Norton), Nutrition Made Simple

Podcasts- Sigma Nutrition, The Proof (Simon Hill), Beauty and the Geek, The Drive (just be mindful of the exercise segments)


Ronda Patrick on FoundMyFitness.com or you can find it on spotify and other places too.

Peter Attia is often a guest on different podcasts and have some talks on youtube

Ken Berry on youtube

You shouldn’t only listen to one person as every single individual is biased but these guys are generally good at citing studies even though nutritional science isn’t a sturdy science yet as we don’t have enough data nor enough theories that have stood the test of time yet to have a big picture. We know lots of small things but how they ultimately relate to a perfect picture is unclear still

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