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Has fasting overall helped with self control/self discipline?

I’ve noticed in many areas of my life that I lack self discipline. I feel that fasting can help me combat that or work towards getting better disciplined with myself.

I’ve been going strong for about a week with 18:6 but last night with 2 small pieces of calamari I broke my fast quickly due to temptation.

I had to work late and started my fast at 7pm. But my coworker offered me some of her appetizers that she ordered to the office and I gave in.

How can I get better at caving in?? I wasn’t even hungry! The food just smelled and looked good and I had no self control :(

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Yes, but just like a habit it takes time to build up. We all have these moments starting out and occasionally still slip up down the road. You’ve been at it a week, just keep putting in the work.

There’s sort of two aspects of this that improve. One if the self-control, but also the hunger and desire itself. As you said, hunger isn’t always based on physically needing those calories. It’s a learned response from the body to things like sight, smell, timing, etc. The less often you give in to those the less often the body starts to send those signals.

One approach to help is to delay. Hunger craving come on in waves usually. So if you see something you want, try waiting 30 minutes. Chances are after 30 minutes it won’t be nearly as enticing.


Just remember your purpose: why is it do you intermittent fast?

If your reasons have high enough stakes, then temptations won’t be worth it. Decide, proceed, and conquer.
~Every day at work… my coworkers either order take out, or bring in bags of chips, prepackaged baked goods, Tim Horton’s, Samosas, it’s profoundly excessive and entertaining. Albeit the aromas try to persuade me, I always remember that autophagy will serve my purpose much better than a tempting treat, meal, or snack.

My purpose: to live my longest life for my children, and that starts with living my healthiest life.


First: have your deep reason. It could be health, your future, your values, your children etc.

Second: Form an identity. I am a healthy person and i dont snack on crap. I am an intermittent faster and I am fasting. I am a badass and i dont eat stupid shit to break away from my goals. (I try to lean to the last one haha)

Three: when you fail have a battle plan. When you lose a battle you do not quit but learn from it. Why did you cave? What could you do differently to help you. Perhaps it could be simple as saying you intermittent fast so people leave you alone. Perhaps, you need to watch your self talk and be aware that that talk is usually the easy road that gets your where you dont want to be. Maybe it was because you havent had a regular sleep pattern and need to be more routine in your sleep hygiene. Maybe you were just being a wimpy baby and need to own that. Bottom line, you need to reflect, grow and implement for the next time the situation comes up.

Failure will happen, how we respond to failure dictates your success—not lack of failing.

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Categories: habit calories intermittent snack shit sleep