I cant fucking control it i literally shat myself whilst walking, i came home and its just yellow? What is this hahahah
Im on a extended water fast, now on day 6. I feel good some times, for a few hours on and off during the day. But I have no energy what so ever, I carry in a bag of firewood...
I’m taking water, caffeine and electrolytes. I assume this is my body cleaning itself out but want to be sure. Also which multivitamin won’t hurt my stomach? As in the past a multivitamin on an empty stomach made it hurt...
Disclaimer : Not seeking medical advice. Just for educational purposes only. I have had no surgeries in my life ever and currently 55 pounds overweight. Just want to go back feeling normal again. This is my third day of the flu. Knowing...
I haven't done the snake diet in a while, and I'm planning to do it a ton this summer, but last time I did the snake juice tasted so NASTY it was hard to drink. Is there an easier way...
I’ve been doing 36 hour fasts semi regularly and really notice a big difference in how I feel, especially pertaining to inflammation. I Just spent the holidays back home and ate pretty poorly during my stay, so I wanted to...
I've been losing a little bit of weight but I almost can't tell the difference due to my belly always being bloated and large and my hips still looking more or less the same. So I'm guessing the weight that...
It’s all in the title, I keep falling off the wagon. Giving in to “cheat days” then those days turn into a 3 day binge including binge drinking. I know I want this, I want to change and lose weight...
I fasted and did low carb for about 5 months and lost a lot of weight. Im the next year, i decided to stop smoking and ended up gaining rhe weight back. I decided to try to lose weight again this...
So far so good I feel really good, still a little hungry but not as bad as on water fast. My pee went from Dark Yellow back to almost clear again, I guess that means the body is...
Probably a dumb question, but I assume that urination would indicate that ruination would mean that the nutrients that has been absorbed where used and filtered if needed. Intaking nutrients prior to urinating may overwhelm the blood stream then. Correct...
I've had dreams in which I forget and eat something or accidentally eat something. I wake up SO angry. Last night I had a new one: I went to work and forgot my electrolytes.
Im starting to feel hungry, what should I do ?
I'm pretty experienced with fasting through Jason Fung's stuff and always had urgent, turbo poops shortly after breaking a fast. I tried psyllium husk, metamucil, various foods and macro-combinations, easing into breaking a fast and all lead me to full...
[LMNT electrolyte drink mix](https://drinklmnt.com/products/lmnt-recharge-electrolyte-drink?currency=USD&variant=16358367232034&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiqWHBhD2ARIsAPCDzamwvc-5H5RTYRXLHLoPlSeCmDw221n7UEOykxBcHw2mdl896ju-zq8aAiC-EALw_wcB) Isn't this technically Coles whole idea? This one does come flavored maybe it could be good for beginners. Do you guys think it would work the same way? I'm think about buying some and experimenting with it....
Hi, y'all. I want to start fasting for longer periods of time for weight loss and I'm looking for good suplements, but I am not sure which ones are reliable on Amazon. Amazon ES btw, if that helps. Thank you...
me and my girlfriend were talking and i said that if there was a beer on the market that was low in calories like a michelob ultra but had like 5 grams of protein that it would do great on...
I bought the snake juice packets on Amazon and to be honest, they taste absolutely horrible. I take 3 packets a day and have been literally chugging each packet that I take which has caused horrible bowel movements and...
Anyone want to try a Sunday Fast Challenge? - No food, beer, or booze. - No TV. No vegging out in front of TV. - Ok to check scores.
this is my first full day of doing a 24 hour fast. How do people find motivation for this? ive done intermittent fasting before but never did a full water fast for longer than 18 hours. All i can think...
Can you weigh lifting hard doing 72 or 48? Won’t this delay building muscle or weight loss? I have about 10kg to drop and every time I tried fasting for longer than omad I felt miserable on the gym, last...
I wanna know cuz I keep having nightmares and I can’t see anything else positive in my future. I have a good circle of friends and my community is really supportive. There’s no reason for me to be like this....
My schedule goes back and forth between nights and days, considering that IF is time based, is there a way for it to work?
Just broke ~96hr dry fast with 1lbs bacon, cup of berries and water. Next up 72hr dry, then same refeed, and REPEAT. Need to lose ~80lbs. HELL YEAH! (Taking an explosive shit right now bros.)
Spouse being crabby because I eat what I think is necessary and won’t indulge In shit food with him/her. I actually lost focus and gained 2-3 lbs last month and wouldn’t buy take out. Caught a whole bunch of shit...
Anybody have a good recommendation for flavorless protein? Preferably clean and reasonably easy to get in the US.
Have been working my way up to longer fasts over time, and most recently about 5 days ago did 36 hours, but since this fast I've ended up with (excuse the crudeness) the shits. It's been pouring out of...
I'm sure this is a dumb question, but I'd love to hear your opinions. I track my water intake every day and aim for at least 168 oz. I'll be incorporating Snake Juice water starting today. Since it's so full...
I've understood from experience and testimonials that it is beneficial to clear the system before a DF . What are some of the methods/techniques/supplements you guys use to do this. ??? I've discovered that Isabgol (psyllium husk) is great for...
I'm trying to get into dried fruit, but it seems like all the good dried fruit has added sugar, can anyone help me? I want pineapple that looks like this [picture](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.grocery.com%2Fstore%2Fdried-pineapple-tidbits-chunks-16-oz-bag&psig=AOvVaw069WV9RBFeo6VX5EUVZ_Ow&ust=1674538932500000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCNjehuT93PwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAS) but without the added sugar. Instead, all the sugerless ones look...
Is the process so powerfully detoxifying that you can eat or drink absolutely whatever you want when feeding because all the toxins will be eliminated when you dry fast again?
I basically just ate whatever however I didn't check calories or anything and I feel like shit now I had been doing so well previously I now feel like all my efforts have been wasted FML Who else been here Any help?...
I noticed that no one in the IIYFM community is talking about keeping MICRONUTRIENTS in check for overall health. Are macros and calories more important than micronutrients?
Did you eat any hangover food the next day before fasting again or did you fast asap after drinking (this includes food you eat while drinking)? What do you guys recommend? This is a serious question for those who might...
If you have kids and/Or spouse, how have you found their support during your fasts?
From reading previous posts, people lose around 10+ lbs on 3 day dry fast and 20+ lbs on 7 days dry fast. How much weight do they regain after refeeding just from the water weight they initially lost? How much...
Today I found out literally no one I know also loves Brussels sprouts. I'm shook. What's your least favorite vegetable?
As a man, how much of an impact does exercise have on weight loss during dry fasting? Should I focus on cardio, or strength training, or both? And to what level/strength?
35yo, 6'1" started doing 2 meals a day and cut it down to OMAD by the end of the first week and finished my first 48 right before 2 week pic. Then I started to do rolling 48's and...
They all seem to be full of vegetable oils that are probably rancid and inflammatory
10x+ Hill Sprints every evening and bodyweight training through the Day should I exercise less and Focus on fasting? need to drop ~10% bf before summer
Any women here dry fast during that time of the month? If so what are your tips? And any complications?
Wondering if fasting will affect my muscle gains or of anyone has any experience with this.
I'm new to ADF, going about 40 hours without food and eating high protein on eating days where I workout. Essentially meat, cheese, milk and veggies. Non eating days are water, coffee and LMNT. So far I've had a range of...
I’ve noticed that it’s really common for foods to have sunflower oil AND/OR other oils in the ingredients. Is there a reason they would sometimes use one type of oil for one batch and use another in a different batch....
Even when in eating my balanced diet with my fiber, veggies, lots of water I feel backed up. I feel fine physically but just seem to have digestion problems. When I throw in more...
If I go beyond 2 days, I get cramps and sleep like total garbage. I keep tossing and turning all night. It's pretty frustrating, as I've completed longer fasts before (30 days, 17 days, 15 days, 7 days, numerous 3-6...
I’m planning on doing a water fast for a 3-4 weeks and was curious if taking Creatine after working out would help me keep more muscle mass. Thoughts?
2 weeks ago I wouldn’t have been able to last an hour of fasting! But I went from 6 pm last night to 4:45 pm this evening! I’m so proud of myself even though it wasn’t intentional! I plan on...
Broke a 5 day fast on Wednesday night. Haven’t been able to poop since, but I am farting nonstop. When can I expect to drop this load?
I just ran across this diet and am very interested in starting up. I picked up the ingredients today and was not really a fan of the taste. I'll power through it, but wanted to see if taking the minerals...
Theoretically, and I mean it, could someone meet their protein needs from dog food in some sort of unrealistic survival situation?
What was the impact of intermittent fasting on your sleep? For me it made sleeping hard at the beginning, and improved it a lot on the long term.
Are there benefits to fasting for normal weight people? Like in terms of energy and such. Have you noticed?
I've never been able to go past 73 hours. I hit that number and just pass out and require medical attention. The last time that happened, I think the emergency doctor said my blood glucose level was 40 but I...
First time posting here. I've read the diabetes code twice and I think it's the best explanation of diet and diabetes I've come across. My prior attempt at getting my diabetes and weight under control was Whole Foods Plant Based....
I have no problem in this department but man, all the posts make me believe maybe something is up with my body in this area. Are there people out there that also have no problems whatsoever? ​ A little tmi: I actually...
If I work out while water fasting (currently day 5 on water fast and still have some fat to lose), will I lose all of my muscle? (Still, I don’t go all out, like 2x12 deadlifts, arm raises, squats, etc....
Confession time After good progress and regular fasting for roughly a year, I haven't fasted since October and have been completely off the wagon since, eating mostly rubbish food and way too much sugar. I'm not sure why but I lost all...
I've been doing fasting with keto and it's going well for me except for the pressure I get from work and family. It's especially difficult when birthdays come up because there's always a cake and you're expected to have some otherwise...
My fast is about to get to 72 hours and I drank my ACV and hunger is not that big but would I rather get a meal now and get another 72 hours fast or keep going until my body...
I know this is unhealthy but I daydream about food. A lot. Is there any way to stop this?
Maybe it wasn't wise to break fast eating normal food. Fasted for about 64hrs with just water and black coffee (well did have cream/stevia this morning). Had a grilled chicken salad from chick fila for lunch and taco bell for...
I normally drink a Bang energy drink in the morning but i guess these break a fast due to the BCAAs. Does anyone know of something similar that will allow me to fast?
I’m starting my first 72 hour fast now. I’m a bit freaked but also excited to see results! My starting weight is 240lb and I’m 5’11”. Any tips or tricks I’ll need to know?
I have been doing 20:4 for the past week and have decided I would like to try a longer fast starting tonight at 7pm and then go for 36 hours. As this will be my first longer fast, is there...
I’ve got a colonoscopy scheduled tomorrow, and have to fast for it today and at least until tomorrow afternoon. I figure why not just keep it going since I’ll already be 1.5 days in at that point. I’ll ask the doctor...
... aaaand I‘m up 2 pounds. How ridiculous is the human/female body? I know it will come right back off soon, but it surely doesn’t make it easier. Oh and I found out I‘m 15 pounds away from my ideal...
My weight stood still while doing 16:8, yet my body changed, clothes fit better. I lost motivation around my period, for a week. I was expecting to have gained weight, because I ate really unhealthy but I lost weight. How...
I find it easiest to dry fast for a day if I've taken Adderall. Does this seem extremely unsafe, or just mildly? Haven't gone more than 24 hours before introducing hydration back into the fast. The DF noorepinephrine activity combined...
Which is more important in terms of getting lean diet or cardio?
Also, is using concentrated lemon juice, you know the ones in plastic bottles you squeeze, good for water purposes? Or is it basically trash fake lemon juice?
What are some opinions people have on here about dry fasting, why do you do it, how long have you done it for, what benefits do you see as opposed to water fasting? Can it lower inflammation? Should certain (or...
Ever since I started rolling 72s which was almost 2 months ago, I have been feeling weird whenever I eat even if its just an omlette. I get so excited to go back to fasting because I just love how...
My goal was for 110 hours, I’m currently 92 hours in. I might be going to a Greek restaurant tonight I don’t know for sure yet, but if I do, I’m unsure of whether to eat or not. I’d probably...
As an Australian, it is actually a mission and a half to find specific serving recommendations. It's tucked in a 226-page doco that the average person probably won't read!
Starting weight: 315 pounds Current weight: 283 pounds
Other than nuts and popcorn. Are there any shelf stable crackers, chips, etc that you know of that aren't super processed?
I am looking for some books on Nutrition. I really want to learn as much as I can but I feel like there is so much misinformation out there on the internet it can be hard to sift through. So...
I’ve never done a fast for spiritual reasons, but here we are! I don’t have a timeframe (longest fast I ever did was 72 hours) I kinda just want to see how long I can do it for.