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Headache Problem?

I’ve been doing IT for 2 days. I don’t have a problem with hunger but I’m experiencing intense headaches and I don’t know why. Does anyone else have this problem and what can I do about it?

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Read the sidebar at r/fasting re: electrolytes (NO commercial products needed, just salt, some iodized, potassium chloride (lite salt) and magnesium) and follow advice re: quantities.

In the meantime, a pinch of salt, some unsweetened pickle or olive juice or salted broth during your eating window should fix the issue quickly. Hydration is a balance of water and salt to hold it.


treat headaches like you usually treat headaches. Do you normally, when you have a headache, take two ibuprofen? You can do that, but be careful about doing it while you are fasting.

Think about what you may have eliminated besides breakfast that might cause it. Did you stop drinking coffee because you wanted to stop taking in the calories of your morning coffee and can’t do black ? Because lack of caffeine will rip you up in a hurry with headaches.

When people are telling you “salt” they aren’t meaning too much salt, they are meaning electrolytes that you normally get. They’re kinda meaning more salt. Like you would put a little piece of salt on your tongue for your body to have. Not less, but a little more. Electrolytes are big talking points in this sub.

The beginning is crummy. You usually have to sleep more and drink a whole bunch more water and deal with some other specific to you adjustments. But a headache is a treatable thing… but don’t take ibuprofen on an empty stomach. Worst case, take it with at least 8 ounces of water.

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