Well technically yes, but I wouldn’t throw your whole day away over it. Like if you still have 5 hours till you’re done, I wouldn’t just have a meal now.
I have almond milk in my coffee every morning, technically its broken, I don’t stop the timer till I actually eat at noon though.
No reason to overthink it. Just stick to the schedule as best you can. Some days will have minor glitches. Licked a spoon, does it make a difference? Everyday, maybe. Once in a while? Don’t sweat it.
You decide. For me, my fasting practice isn’t about perfection its about my intention for consistency. I do my best to be consistent. So if the plan was to fast until 5 and a sip or a bite broke it, my intention was still to fast until 5. I’ll grab some water and keep calm, carry on. I don’t suddenly need a meal because a calorie was consumed.