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I feel so shit about myself

I’ve been losing a little bit of weight but I almost can’t tell the difference due to my belly always being bloated and large and my hips still looking more or less the same. So I’m guessing the weight that i have lost is probably somewhere i can’t identify.

Especially waking up every morning and seeing no difference in the mirror and just feel ugly and heinous:( Idk what I’m doing wrong :(

It makes me feel like the hard yards I’m putting are not paying off. I also really struggle with insomnia and not getting enough sleep before work is also making me depressed but also lack of sleep is contributing to low energy.

The only way I gain focus is by drinking black coffee but then it’s probably what contributes to my bad sleep. I drink coffee in the morning or around lunch time not after 2 pm.

I workout usually around 7/8 pm

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Take it one day at a time. Try progress photos on the first of every month instead of searching in the mirror. You could also try food journaling, that helped me. That way you can see what foods trigger your bloating and you can eliminate them or cut down on eating them. Also, if you’re a woman pay attention to your menstrual cycle, that can cause bloating too. As for the coffee, couldn’t you try non caffeinated coffee? Hope this helps! Be gentle with yourself.


Weight loss is a funny thing. Sometimes you look the exact same, even with 15-50 lbs difference, only ‘narrower’. IE., the shape is the same, just not as wide. But it doesn’t mean it wasn’t weight that was in the way until you could continue. The closer you get to a non-overweight level, the bigger the changes will be, pound-to-pound. I have no abs, but if I drop 10 lbs they’re back. Like magic. Not a fun weight level to stay at, but if I were 100 lbs heavier, I would see 0 hint of abs until those last 10 lbs.

So don’t just assume it’ll all be the same, where you’ll end up a 90-lb person still with a belly.

As far as the insomnia goes, it’s quite common. You need to go to bed earlier, because you sure as shit can’t sleep later. And you need medication to help with that. Go to the doctor. What works varies from person to person, from antidepressants to sleep aids 3 days a week, to OTC stuff. But because your sleep rhythm is so solid from waking up for work, you probably struggle to sleep in too.

You have to try anything that feels like it’ll work. A cooler room, different blankets, a different pillow, etc.

If you feel shit in every way, then it means anything is an improvement. Sometimes you’re just cutting 200 more calories a day away from steady progress.


I can relate with the bloating and insomnia. It’s really frustrating when you can’t immediately see the changes. But as everyone says here: be kind to yourself.

As for the bloating, if you have a uterus (you didn’t specify on your post), you may want to have a consult with a gynecologist. I have adenomyosis, so my lower belly (not sure what it’s called exactly) bloats every now and then even while I’m fasting and I’m in a healthy weight range. It’s usually caused by wacky hormones or triggered by food (there are so many on the list).

And the insomnia may be a by-product of the mental stress instead of coffee. You’re thinking too much about everything and your brain keeps on processing those things even when your body just wants to relax. I’ve been there.

Maybe find something that can help relax your mind before bedtime? Like bubble baths, journaling, playing games or just listening to music. Do something that will give you comfort.

I hope you feel better about yourself and good luck on your IF journey.


I try to finish my 4 large cups by 12.

One of the skinniest people I know drinks 26 cups a day.

My belief is that it is more effective to started living the IF life (for life), rather than ‘doing’ it for some superficial goal that you keep thinking about.


you’re not doing anything wrong, it just takes time. i have a very flabby belly - just yday i was lamenting that while i can tell im losing weight bc of my clothes (i don’t weigh) my progress isn’t reflected in how i look naked. it sucks but i also know that giving up isn’t going to improve the situation either. take solace in how you feel clothed - maybe you have a pair of pants or a top that feels better to wear now? and just know it takes time!

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