| | Water Fasting

I'm so sad Alchohol breaks a fast.


30 hours into my first 72 hour rolling fast.

I wish there was an alternative to drinking but I’m a party kind of person and giving that up for an extended amount of time sucks. I guess I could try cannabis but still. :(

Any advice?

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Yeah here’s some advice - make a sacrifice. Yeah it sucks, but anything that involves gaining great benefits usually involves a trade off. It’s how it is now get on with your fast or have a short term buzz from partying along with all the downsides


Coming from the other direction, I will share that i quit drinking 3 yrs ago and I got launched thru the hardest part (the beginning) by doing a water fast for two weeks. I did have some gummies, and great fiction.


So… fasting helped me slow down my drinking. But I do like drinking and that will probably always be there. So I decided to plan my fasts around that vice. It’s not ideal but for me longer fasts esp during work time etc makes up for my weekend drinking. And to me that is a progression bc before I was drinking 7 days a week. Now I drink about 1 to 2 days a week and again I plan my longer fasts around it to balance it out. It’s not perfect but we are human and aren’t perfect. The biggest lesson I learned is ( me personally ) I cannot even have one drink without eating then and breakfast time for the ‘ hangover ‘.


If you drink a lot, stopping unsupervised is a great way to die.

To your question, if you just have whiskey/vodka you will burn up the ethanol and be right back in ketosis. (N == me). It shouldn’t effect mTor, so autophagy should keep going. Better than not fasting and perhaps safer. Definitely skip all mixers, beer and wine.


Lol quite funny you say this. I did a fast when I was in Vietnam. Still continued partying during. At clubs there, people get balloons filled with Nitrous Oxide (get pretty high). So i’d just order water and an endless supply of balloons. Was fun, finished a 7 day water fast.

This was the last 2 days of the fast, so also helped kill the time/boredom.


Sure alcohol breaks a true water fast. But there are all sorts of fasts: water fasting, clear liquid fasting, low cal liquid fasting, etc. Your fast with a couple drinks just won’t be a pure water fast.

Good luck!

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