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I only lost 2 lbs (1 kilo) in 3 weeks. Doing IF 16:8. Suggestions?


(I’m not exercising much, I’ll admit)

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I’d start tracking. I found I was eating way more than I thought. At the end of the day, it’s less calories than you burn that will reduce weight. IF isn’t a trick to burn faster, it just reduces caloric intake

And drink lots and lots of water!!


This was me too. I have exercise induced migraines so I don’t exercise (working with nuerology to get them under control). With some experimentation I added more protein to my diet and now I’m finally loosing.


I’m going to approach this a tad different to the other replies.

You mentioned you want to lose 25kg. Are you 100kg and have been dieting for a while still trying to lose the last 25kg? Or are you like 150kg and this was your first 3 weeks of taking control? Also age and other factors such as stress play a big part!

How did you feel for those 3 weeks? Did you feel like you were going stir crazy? Was it easy? Could you eat and behave like this for the rest of your life?Because if it was manageable and you could do it long term, you would be better off to enjoy life at a approx 300g lost per week rather than live miserably and lose 1kg a week but put it back on 20 times with yo yo dieting because you can’t maintain it.

As many have said, tracking food could help. But I wouldn’t look at it from just a calories in calories perspective. It may help you identify habits. I thought I was only eating 3 biscuits per day (120cal) but I just did a gentle track for a few weeks and realised I was eating closer to 240 - 300cal per day which was around 2000 extra calories per week in just biscuits that I didn’t really want, it was just a habit. I dropped the habit and my weight moves a bit better now, I feel less fluffy physically and don’t miss them at all!

Also, a loss is a loss! You didn’t only lose 2 lbs. you are lighter than what you were a month ago! Congratulations!

Remember to focus on overall consistency!


part of it is calorie intake but its not just in/out. if you go thru fung’s obesity code or stephens fast feast repeat you come to a few points:

  1. energy is storef in great extent in your liver as glucogen
  2. sometimes fat is stored in the liver too (thus fatty liver)

all of this is related to how much insulin there is in your system and how resistant you are (you dont want to be)

and what if does is not limit your calorie intake but rather helps reset your insulin resistance. then you get back to burning sugar and burning fat (but to get there you need to burn the calories stored in the liver - kind of like a battery if i understand correctly). so just persist and you will see improvement. or you can start calorie counting, it slso works (but only cuz of what if does)

and as i read this i see its a horrible post - so incoherent. maybe its best if you read the two books mentioned above, that will help you understand what’s going with your body


I’m going to approach this a tad different to the other replies.

You mentioned you want to lose 25kg. Are you 100kg and have been dieting for a while still trying to lose the last 25kg? Or are you like 150kg and this was your first 3 weeks of taking control? Also age and other factors such as stress play a big part!

How did you feel for those 3 weeks? Did you feel like you were going stir crazy? Was it easy? Could you eat and behave like this for the rest of your life?Because if it was manageable and you could do it long term, you would be better off to enjoy life at a approx 300g lost per week rather than live miserably and lose 1kg a week but put it back on 20 times with yo yo dieting because you can’t maintain it.

As many have said, tracking food could help. But I wouldn’t look at it from just a calories in calories perspective. It may help you identify habits. I thought I was only eating 3 biscuits per day (120cal) but I just did a gentle track for a few weeks and realised I was eating closer to 240 - 300cal per day which was around 2000 extra calories per week in just biscuits that I didn’t really want, it was just a habit. I dropped the habit and my weight moves a bit better now, I feel less fluffy physically and don’t miss them at all!

Also, a loss is a loss! You didn’t only lose 2 lbs. you are lighter than what you were a month ago! Congratulations!

Remember to focus on overall consistency!


Try 18:6 and move ideally to a TMAD/ADF 2 meals a day alternate daily fasting schedule, great for weight loss.

Do not snack in eating window.

Cut sugar, processed food and starch.


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