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No Weight Lost in Past 3 Weeks of Doing IF (5 Days 16:8)

I weighed myself today and was dissappointed to see I have lost none.
Quite demotivating.

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There are so many variables! How do your clothes fit right now? Because it’s possible things are just “moving around“, which is a very good thing.

in my case, I was losing weight very slowly throughout 2021… And then in June 2022 I got a lot more serious: interestingly, I still skipped some days of fasting… But I greatly reduced processed carbohydrates. Translation: no more Oreo cookies every day! My weight dropped precipitously and I’m still on a good track.


I’d take a wild guess that your calories in is exceeding your calories used………… IF is great but it’s not magic. Portion size is the easiest thing to consistently underestimate and that will undermine your resolve , make sure your targets are set correctly and then cook of recipies using a meal planner tailored for your needs…….. it’s a PITA at first but for us (M/F) it did work… best of luck.


If you’re having high salt diet you could be retaining water weight. Or also as someone said you are probably eating more calories than your BMR. To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. You need to burn 3500 more calories than you consume in a given period to lose 1lb of weight. So look up your BMR rate and do the maths for what you need to consume and also exercise to burning however many calories for weight loss. 3500 is a safe amount or depending on your plan even aim for a quarter or a half pound next week


Try 18:6, two meals no snacks. Lower carbs and cut out sugar. You should see results.

I found the optimal sched for weight loss was TMAD, no snacking, with ADF and LC. Had loads of health improvements too.


I went for about a month like that. Fluctuating between .5-1lb for about a month. I did a 48hr fast and moved to alternate day fasting. I did all the right things, tracking calories, eating whole foods, working out 3-4 days per week, drinking a ton of water only.

The only breakthrough I got for my plateau was from doing a re-feed over 3 days of eating 2-3 meals per day of maintenance calories. Then doing a extended fast of 48hrs.

This is not advice, I’m merely providing my experience. Everybody here may tell you to change or tweak a few things but everybody responds differently to different things. I was doing 18:6 for a while and moved to OMAD for about 3 months and then hit that plateau.

I found that my body responds better to alternate day fasts while still doing all that other stuff, tracking calories when i can and eating mindfully when i can’t, water only, etc… it’s probably more aggressive/ than it needs to be but with my lifestyle it works for me.

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