| | Water Fasting

I used to avoid Dry Fasting

Like most, we fear what we don’t understand. I use to think that water fasting was dangerous until I learnt what you need to do in terms of electrolytes.

I used to think that dry fasting was dangerous because they always tell us that you need water to live and all my muslim friends who do dry fasting were potentially in danger. Boy how little I knew and that was all before I learnt about metabolic water and the camel humps thing. How stupid of me that I didn’t look further into this. I truly believe that the best detox you can do is dry fasting for short periods of time. I’m so glad there is this subreddit and it’s not banned or anything.

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It’s definitely not for everyone and it can have its dangers if you’re not careful, especially for those 5+ day dry fasts, but aside from those, it’s so effective, even short-term!

And if you’ve come this far in your health-related information journey to know vaguely about what dry fasting is then you’re typically the type of person to do loads of research before trying it out so you know very well what you’re getting into.

My only concern is for those who want to lose weight quickly. Blinded by the prospect of dropping 20 lbs in a short time frame, they may jump in without the proper preparation.

But again, aside from the outliers and the overdramatization people tend to have over this, it truly is a miracle of nature how much benefit comes from this.

Detoxing is something I’m just really learning about now and DF is a phenomenal tool for it.

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Categories: dry fasting water fasting electrolytes dry fast lose weight