Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
Hello, tomorrow will be my 7th day of hard dry fast; i wonder if going hard longer will be any beneficial? I heard that soft dry fast is better in long term and i am currently going for 14 days...
I am going to do a 3 day dry fast and I was thinking of going straight into a water fast after the 3rd day? Is it okay? Or should I do 3 day dry fast and eat for a...
my main goal is to lose 50 pounds in 3 weeks and the researches I've done suggest that one day of dry fasting equals 3 days of water fasting in terms of effectiveness. what's your take on this?
Let me know something.
I'm on my first dry fast now. I've previously done a number of water fasts. I have completed 48 hours dry so far. I am planning on getting water around the 60 hour mark. At that point I was thinking...
Any recommendations? It’s worth it or should I stick to DF. I’m doing it for health maintenance/prevention
let me know i always wondered.
Im on day 2 of my 3 day fast and i was wondering.
Or vice versa? I think I read somewhere that it might be dangerous for the human body. So, if we start a dry fast, it should remain a dry fast until you end it. Or if it's a water...
Yea it’s winter
I m 22 hours in into my 5 day dry fast, feeling low energy and tingling legs, other than that everything fantastic, anyone wants to join me ?
Anyone tried dry fasting? Is it better than water fasting? Which is better for weight loss? Thanks
Anyone have any experience or sources of info that you can kill/cleanse your body of parasites with dry fasting? Thanks
Hello everybody, Has anyone healed chronic bronchitis with dry fasting?
I take migraine meds every 12 hours and I don't think I can swallow those pills dry. How do you guys take meds while dry fasting?
Very strange question, I know edibles definitely not but what about hitting the stizzy? Would it ruin anything?
If I breathe, there might be water particles in the air. Would that break the fast?
If you could share any info or knowledge on that subject i would really be appreciative of that thank you.
Do you find soft a lot easier, if so how so?
Either the powder or (gelatin) capsules with no water
Elaborate in the comments, and let me know if there's something I have not considered! [View Poll](
Does anyone have any experience with dry fasting getting rid of back fat? I have a lot. It’s a big embarrassment for me.
How long did you fast to heal such issues?
I deal with constipation and i dont want my poop to get all dried up and hard. Please get back to me.
Can I dry fast even if I’m at a normal weight ? Also can I dry fast a day or 2 out of every week ?
I suffer from this badly and it would be nice to get some full 8 hour nights.
Hi. Been doing intermittent and extended water fasts for a while. Only done a few dry fasts, a couple 24 and 48 hour ones. I was curious as to your thoughts of doing intermittent dry fasts within an extended water...
Let me know if you know.
Forgive me but i just want to make sure.
Is it true that you lose 2 pounds of fat everyday when you dry fast? I am 250 pounds so will i be able to lose 10 pounds of fat in 5 days of dry fasting?
I see some posts where people are saying they dry fast for 5 days but drink at the end of each day? Is that what you are supposed to do during a dry fast? Or just go 5 full days...
If so, how is the experience?
Anyone had any experience with explaining the concept/benefits of dry fasting to people close to you? I don’t mind/care what random people/acquaintances think but would be nice to help appease the people I regularly see in life.
looking for any experiences? Most information states don't fast for viral, only for bacterial, but I've seen a few posts saying that viral also gets destroyed by dry fasting.
I’m trying to do this because i’m not sure if I can straight up dry fast for 7 days without a break.
What do you think is the best? Fasting for a fortnight or more at a time (dry fasting and water fasting in alternation) or dry fasting for two to three days and then breaking the fast followed by another dry...
I’m 5’10 200 lbs This will be a soft dry fast I will take showers/baths I have done water and dry fast in the past I won’t be working out during this fast My goal weight is 160 lbs
Starting another dry fast. I want to do another dry fast. I am already in day 1. I would like to do at least 6 days and push it till my body tells me to stop. So at least 6...
I’m wondering should I stick it out to the 72 hour mark or can I drink some water and still reap the benefits >~< currently at work and it’s hard y’all lol
What am I doing wrong here?
Anyone experience dry eyes when fasting? Hoping this isn't a big deal and there's an easy fix.
What is the optimal length/schedule for day-to-day dry fasting to maximize health and longevity ?
I read about someone curing their lyme from dry fasting. But I also read hundreds of people refuting dry fasting. Im worried that ill end up in the hospital if I dont eat or drink lol. What do I do....
So I wanted to use the weekend to prepare for my dry fast starting on monday. I’ve read that you don’t advise waterfasting before a dry fast. Does that imply a snake juice fast as well? I wanted to load up...
Is it safe to dry fast daily 22:2? How much water to drink during the feeding period?
As above would rolling rolling 23/1 omad soft dry fasting be advisable or even enough to strip the weight off? I am a 6ft make at 250lbs.
Hello. I am planning on 2 rolling dry fasts of one week each, with refeeding for a day in the middle. Would it be necessary to supplement with baking soda before starting the fasts? If yes, then how much? Also, what...
What is the proper way to cycle dry fasting and wet fasting? I've seen some comments that it's not safe to go from one to the other, but I don't understand why 🤔
•I am female 5’10 around 210 pounds
Hey guys I have a question for experienced fasters. I don't know where I read it, but i have in my mind that you should not dry fast, then wet fast and back to dry fast. What do you guys...
Can you please share your longest period you endured dry fasting? (No liquids, no food)
I'm brand new to dry fasting. Not quite ready to jump into a 20-hour dry fast or whatever. I've been doing 12-hour fast the last couple of days. Is this a good starting point? Thanks!
What is really the difference?
For those who have done both repeated dry and wet fasts, how does the level of focus that you experience on a dry fast (24 hours or longer) compare on an extended water fast? This poll is just about mental energy...
Would it be a good idea to flip flop between omad and dry fasting? One day omad next day dry fast, One day omad next day dry fast flip flopping between both ways of eating through the week. Would I...
My wife is having digestive issues and wants to dry fast, yet she is breastfeeding. Has anyone had experience with this? I can't seem to find any info online, any info would be great. Thank you
Is there a big difference in weight loss in a dry fast compared to a water fast?
For those who have done dry fasts 5 days or longer, which day(s) were the hardest & why?
I am trying to quit caffeine cold turkey and would like to know anyones thoughts or experiences of using a dry fast to help minimize caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
For those that have done long dry fasts, did you prepare in any way before starting your dry fasting? (Intestinal and liver cleanses, enemas, diet changes, supplements taken days before fasting, etc.) And do you think any preparation is necessary?...
I want to lose fat fast! I'm 5'11.5 and 250lb I need to get like to 180lb.
I’m the type of person who needs 8 hours of sleep to function. But Everytime I go over 24 hours of a soft or hard dry fast I have trouble getting more than 4-6 hours of sleep. And if so...
So I broke my 3.5 day dry fast today with electrolytes, bone broth, coconut water and two smoothies. I was wondering if I could continue this cycle of dry fasting, liquid refeed, and dry fasting again. My body stores too...
Hey guess I have developed kidney stones from dry fasting and not doing baking soda. Any ideas on how to help. Should I drink lots of water
Heey I want to dry fast and its going to be my first time. Is it okay to start off with 24 hours and what are some tips I should know off when starting? I did some research about it...
I have a very good diet but for the past month i have been eating junk food now i want to start my carnivore diet routine but first i want to do a 7 day dry fast to detox my...
I am torn between dry and water fasting... So why is dry fasting better than water fasting? Thanks
I want to do a 3 day or 4 day dry fast. I always hear people saying they did like a 7 day dry fast, but I’m hesitant to do it because I’ve always heard that you can only survive...
I don’t mean the permanently dopamine release I mean u experience everything stronger It gets called fasting high But it’s stronger and faster in a dry fast in a water fast it needs longer, ??