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I’m worried about intermittent fasting lowering my testosterone.

One google search and I’m stuck in a rabbit hole. Multiple people claiming it boosts testosterone, then multiple saying it lowers it.

I have zero issues with my testosterone currently as a 25 year old male. My libido is always amazing, but it’s time to lose some fat. I’ve been doing 16/8 intermittent fasting for only two days now and it’s been a breeze so far. Very easy, and fits into my schedule.

Am I worrying too much? I guess I just don’t want to regret my decisions in a few months and be mad at myself if it drops to a point where it becomes concerning.

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I’ve not seen anything about that. I’m a 39 yo male doing IF for more than two years, and I haven’t noticed any effect on my libido.

It is worth pointing out that being in a significant calorie deficit for a long time can lower your libido, simply because your body deprioritizes sexual reproduction when in starvation mode. So take care to maintain a deficit of only a few hundred calories a day. But this is true of any dieting method, not just IF.


I have done IF for years … I track my hormones and other health markers multiple times a year due to an autoimmune issue … my test is consistently in the ~700 area (250-1100 scale) while on IF. I’ve been doing IF for over ten years and don’t have before #’s to go off of but I would be shocked if it was much higher


I was doing OMAD for about a year. The weight came off crazy fast, but I ended up having a lot of issues, including libido problems after a while. I eventually had all sorts of blood tests done, including a testosterone test. All my blood work came back great, and my testosterone was through the roof high. I talked to a nutritionist and was told my body was pretty much in starvation mode, which was causing my problems. Just ensure that you’re getting all your vitamins in and consume a lot of protein and your testosterone/libido should be fine

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