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I’ve been forgetful since I started intermittent fasting. 16/8

I started intermittent fasting a week or so back. I used to do this years ago but gave up even though I had amazing results. So I came back to do it again and wanted to hit the ground running. So I immediately started doing 10,000 steps a day. I’m not working out at the moment but plan to do so soon.

So my maintenance calories for me as a male at 5’11, 185 pounds is 2775.

I dropped that by 500 as I want to lose my belly fat and lose weight overall. I keep up with my electrolytes while fasting but definitely not over doing it.

I’ve been very forgetful since I started doing this. Not sure how to explain it but I forget stuff so easily now and almost always feel sluggish. I’ll get on a call for work and forget everything I’m working on. I lose my phone a lot and sometimes feel this strange feeling that I can’t explain. Almost like I’m slow. Like if someone told me “quick, snap your fingers.” I’d actually struggle to do it for a bit. Scary stuff.

I don’t think it has anything to do with diet because I’m eating lean meats, good amount of eggs, healthy fats, salad with a good bit of vegetables. I still eat sugar and other things I can fit into my calories, but relatively healthy.

Could this be that I actually need more electrolytes than I’m doing now? Or maybe I dropped the calories too fast and started walking 10,000 steps a day too quickly?

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Maybe there isn’t any correlation with your pattern of eating and diet. Something else could be going on a it just coincidently happened the same time you started IF again. My advice would be to see a doctor.


Sounds like it could be a case of too many changes at one time. Try cutting back on one of your variables and see if it helps. Like you said it could be length of your eating/fasting window, too much exercise than what you’re used to, or not enough electrolytes. Good luck!


I went through something similar for about 2 to 3 weeks and usually I’m a very “quick” person (people have assumed I’m on cocaine).

I started doing some intermittent (pun intended) breathing exercises and working out helped. A doctor advised that it could have something to do with oxygen levels when making drastic changes to the body.

Please note that none of this is medical advice. Just what worked for me.

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