| | Water Fasting

Men, do you feel any different since starting fasting?

This morning I told my roommate that I lost 10lbs so far during my first two weeks(ish) of fasting and she kept asking me if I felt any different.

I said that my pace is getting faster when I walk my mile around the block. To which she replied “but do you feel any different?”

“Uh, I’m not pooping all the time any more.”

“But don’t you feel better ; less bloated, better skin, anything?”

…and the answer is no, because I have no self awareness of that. I mean a month ago I walked around completely engorged with food from constantly eating but she said that’s just being full, not bloated. Suffice to say, she was unsatisfied with the conversation.

Do any of you guys have awareness into these sensations? I’m losing weight, my cardio endurance is increasing but that’s all I’ve noticed.

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My skin looks a lot better whenever i fast. Less bloating, less redness, brighter skin, and smoother skin. I also have more energy and very eager to start my day. I almost feel restless if i stay in bed too long. My sex drive is also through the roof. I’ve been doing OMAD for about 6 weeks. And my depression is gone


Perspective from a woman: Women tend to retain more water especially during their periods. But I only I know when I’m bloated based off of the appearance of my stomach and it’ll be firmer than it normally is. But I personally don’t get an uncomfortable feeling when I am bloated.


My head feels clearer, my energy level doesn’t crap out anymore late afternoon. I’m fasting in the evenings and the empty stomach is making me focus on other things before bedtime, like sex. All positives, really.


Women retain more water than men so they are more aware of this feeling. Women are judged more on their skin so they are much more aware of minor changes. In general people tend to become aware of things that they are made aware of by others, usually in a negative setting.

That said, you can only benefit from becoming more in tune with your body and the changes it goes through based on various factors like diet, sleep, activity level etc.

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