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new to intermittet fasting, i have a question...

Ive only recently started intermittent fasting, im eating between 1pm and 9pm but in the mornings when i go to work i have a banana just before i start (around 8-8.30). Is that cheating? i have the banana because my job is pretty physical and i need some energy. is there something else i should have instead or is one banana ok? thank you

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Yes, as others mentioned, a banana breaks your fast, so if you start it at 9 pm and eat a banana at 8-3.30 pm, it’s not even a 12-hour fast, which is a minimum. If you really need that energy before work, start your fasting window earlier - at 7 or 8 pm and then you will be able to eat a full breakfast before work and be doing a full fasting window. Best of luck! 🙌🙌


You need energy sure, but the energy you want your body to start accessing is the stored energy you already packed away.

Your body can find energy all the time and it will learn how to function minus that banana, just like it would minus a McMuffin.

Eventually, you’ll never consider that banana ever again.


Also does a ice block like a zooper dooper (they probably have a different name where you are from but google it and you know what I mean) do they count as breaking fast? It’s basically just flavoured ice

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