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New to IF, hope someone can answer my question about eating during no-fast phase.

Hi guys, just started my first day of fasting today and I chose the 16:8 method.

I have some confusion about the time when I can eat, and hope someone can enlighten me on this matter.

So I ate at 7pm today, which means my fasting phase would be until 11am the next day. My question is - do I need to eat right when it reaches 16 hours i.e. do I need to eat right at 11am? Or can I eat whenever I’m comfortable as long as its before 7pm?

If its the latter, wouldn’t it mean if I don’t eat until 6.30pm the next day, it will become almost a 24 hours fast instead of 16 hours right?

I hope my question makes senses, I apologize for any poor choice of words as English is not my native language.

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You chose the time to start and finish eating to best fit into your schedule.Life happens and you might fast a bit longer or a bit shorter.

I am aiming for 18:6 atm, but I chose 17:7. Don’t want to be reminded I failed every few days.


You can eat whenever after 11, just means your fast is longer (I do 18:6), the biggie is when you finish, as long as you don’t eat past 7, you’ll get the 16hours in before you eat tomorrow at 11 (or longer if you go past that)

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