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Non-Pure Water Fasting Until Weight Goal Achieved?

Hi everyone! Long time lurker making my first post - hoping to keep updating and at some point possibly post progress photos!

In the summer I did my first fast, 72 hours non pure water fast and it honestly felt incredible. Once I got over the initial bump of lethargy, hunger and compulsions to eat I felt a lot more productive and happy! I struggle a lot staying focused and I felt more inclined to do so when food wasn’t in the equation. The discipline really really helped.

What I wanted to query that i’ve not seen brought up too much is indefinite fasting until a goal is reached? With the pandemic and giving in to a sense of working constantly my physical fitness has declined and my weight has increased. It’s definitely in the overweight category of the BMI scale.

I was hoping to use an indefinite fast to kickstart the lifestyle I used to have with regular exercise and being more conscious of my body and how i’m maintaining it.

Unfortunately I don’t come from a scientific background, but if I do this fast with the necessary electrolytes, vitamins and water intake, is it feasible? In my mind the fat is there for my body to break down so as I see it with discipline I could continue until my goal is met.

Any and all experience or advice greatly appreciated!

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so from what I have read, after like 14 days the rate of weight loss slows down anyway. So that is a good time to refeed and reset for the next one. I have planned rolling fasts, refeeding is a massive part of all of it.


in terms of fasting til you reach the weight, life can get in the way, some meals might come up, longer fasts may not suit you. Listen to your body a bit on it to, I feel like the body speaks more clearly to us when were fasting anyway.

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